DanubePeerChains - The 2nd DanubePeerChains Steering Committee Meeting was held on the 10th and 11th of June.


The 2nd DanubePeerChains Steering Committee Meeting was held on the 10th and 11th of June.

On the first day of the meeting, the project partners CLUSTERO, Biz-Up and ZICER, presented the results achieved so far within three work packages:

  • WPT1 - Framework Conditions for digital value chains;
  • WPT2 - Toolbox for capacity building of L/BSO and specialists/entrepreneurs training;
  • WPT3 - Pilot Action Implementation. 

Value Chain Analysis has been implemented at the fields of mechatronics, electronics, automation, mechanical engineering, wood, and furniture in order to describe these value chains as strategic target fields for positioning of companies from the project region and to identify labour market requirements and company development needs for successful target value chain entry. 

Regarding to the WPT3 - Pilot actions, aims at testing the capacity building and training methodologies developed in WPT2 with local target groups from all partner regions and share learnings at PP level for improving the usability and impact of WPT2 Digital transfer Toolbox. Pilot action management, performed by WP leader ZICER, will include joint scheduling, provision of working templates, and the coordination of partner peer reviews for exchanging pilot experience. 

Additionally, by presenting A.T2.1 - Capacity building methodology for BSO+LSO in period 2, project partners reviewed Synergy Diamond methodology.

After the presentations, all project partners participated in the workshop Training methodology for SME + entrepreneurs and General + Value chain-oriented training for target groups.


On the second day of the meeting, IEC Tehnopolis, WP Communication leader, presented implemented activities as well as the communication plan until the end of the year. 

The goals and outputs of WPT4 - Transnational Strategy Roadmap and Regional Action Plans were pointed out. Goals, as presented, are:  

  • Creation of a strategic basis for the sustainable implementation of the project results;
  • Delivering contributions for higher-level strategies: EU Danube Strategy (EUSDR), S3 strategies of partner countries.

While the outputs are: 

  • Regional Action Plans for each partner region;
  • DanubePeerChains Strategy and Policy Recommendations.


In continuation of the meeting, the Action plan methodology was presented. A spreadsheet for developing regional action concepts was introduced at the workshop and it will further be used for drafting regional actions and discussing action concepts among partners during the peer review.  

During the meetings, all project partners discussed the dynamics of the implementation of planned activities, forecast for the rest of the project, and reviewed the progress of management, potential risks, and problems. The budget was revised and upcoming tasks in all project work packages were presented in detail. 

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)