D-STIR - D-STIR Project is part of Thematic Pole 2 - RDI FRAMEWORK SUPPORT


11 thematic poles have been set-up in line with the DTP Capitalisation Strategy that aims to strengthen the links between projects working on similar topics, to enable projects to exploit and consolidate one another’s achievements, and create a higher leverage effect.

Thematic Pole 2 - RDI framework support involves so far, three projects (D-STIR, ResInfra@DR, RI2integrate) with specific objective to improve the framework conditions for innovation.

In particular, Thematic Pole 2 - RDI framework aims to identify and exploit:

  1. synergies among the projects within the thematic pole (starting with DTP 1st call projects as well as integrating the projects from the future calls)
  2. potential synergies with projects from other DTP thematic poles (e.g. Excellence-in-ReSTI which is part of Thematic pole 3: Entrepreneurial learning Systems)
  3. potential synergies with projects from other programmes (FP7, Horizon 2020, national programmes etc.)
  4. potential synergies with other initiatives /institutions (ESFRI, JRC, ESF, RCC ect.).

Aim of this Thematic Pole 2 is creating links between the national and the EU level, to improve the framework conditions for research infrastructure and innovation in the Danube Area. Special focus is put on policy dialog and development of new tools and instruments able to optimize the utilization and facilitate the upgrading of the existing research infrastructure.

Find more information on Thematic Pole 2 - RDI framework HERE

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)