ResInfra@DR Facilitating macro-regional scope and link up to socio-economic actors of Research Infrastructure in the Danube Region
Our project mission is to improve framework conditions for research infrastructure and innovation in the Danube region. Therefore, ResInfra@DR facilitates enhanced transnational cooperation and a macro-regional scope of the sustainable development of research infrastructures.
The main activities of the ResInfra@DR project include:
- a dialogue focusing on relevant regional, national and macro regional but also EU level policy fields involving also end-users of RIs;
- special trainings for defined target groups, thus contributing to capacity building with an outreach to the entire macro-region and beyond the involved partnership;
- a collection of a dataset of competent (and qualified) reviewers for RI assessments;
- two pilot activities focusing on (1) peer reviews of nine existing RIs and (2) Ex ante assessments of three planned RIs in the macro region;
- Dedicated dissemination and capitalisation actions contribute to the policy take up and utilisation of the results.
More detailed information about the ResInfra@DR project can be accessed here...
Please follow ResInfra@DR on Twitter and Facebook for “breaking news”.
To contribute to the online discourse please use for example #ResInfra, #researchinfrastructure, #DanubeRegion, #STI or #RTDI.
ResInfra@DR is co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA).
Image source: ResInfra@DR project, 2018

- Start date
- 01-01-2017
- End date
- 30-06-2019
- Budget in Euro
- Overall: 2.154.989,34
- ERDF Contribution: 1.645.857,99
- IPA Contribution: 185.882,89
- ENI Contribution: 0
- Call number
- Call 1
- Priority
- Innovative and socially responsible Danube region
- Specific objective
- Improve framework conditions for innovation
Filename | Date of upload | |
Recommendation for RI Managers_preprint | 22-07-2019 18:22:56 | |
Recommendation for RI Managers_preprint | 22-07-2019 18:08:18 | |
Resinfra@DR Joint Action Strategy_preprint | 22-07-2019 18:05:13 | |
ResInfra@DR: A Practical Guide on Assessment of Socio-Economic Impacts Research Infrastructures | 06-06-2019 13:48:34 | |
ResInfra@DR: A Practical Guide on Ex Ante Evaluation for Research Infrastructures | 06-06-2019 13:45:49 |
Project Partners
Name | Type | Country | |
Centre for Social Innovation | Lead partner | | Austria |
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna | ERDF partner | | Austria |
Applied Research and Communications Fund | ERDF partner | | Bulgaria |
Ministry of Education and Science | ERDF partner | | Bulgaria |
Ministry of Science, Education and Sports | ERDF partner | | Croatia |
Project News
ResInfra@DR - Editor's choice: CERIC-ERIC call for proposals is now open!
- 22-07-2019CERIC-ERIC, Central European Research Infrastructure Consortium, offers access to more than 50 complementary instruments and two support laboratories, for multidisciplinary research in all fields of materials science and nanotechnology....
ResInfra@DR - Farewell
- 07-07-2019Over the last decade, the topic “research infrastructure/s” (RI) gained importance in the Danube macro-region – at European level the increasing policy importance becomes evident through strategic actions such as tax exemptions for RIs in the...
ResInfra@DR - Final project event reflecting on “Perspectives for Research Infrastructures in the Danube Macro-region” - review
- 04-07-2019Considering the current developments and institutional changes in the Danube macro-region the question regarding the role of research infrastructure/s as a backbone of excellent research gains increasing attention: The ResInfra@DR Synergy meeting...
ResInfra@DR - partners contributed to the final conference hosted by D-STIR project
- 04-07-2019The final conference of the D-STIR project was organised on 26 June 2019 in Braila, Romania and brought together representatives of media, general public as well as project’s stakeholders and project partners. The conference was hosted by lead...
ResInfra@DR - Info session in Belgrade - Review
- 04-07-2019The University of Belgrade hosted together with the Ministry of Education, Science and Techological Development, Serbia (MESTD) and the EUSDR priority Area 7 (PA7) an information event informing about the ResInfra@DR project. Together with the...