Thematic Pole 2 - RDI framework support

Thematic Pole 2 (TP2), RDI framework support is coordinated by the Centre for Social Innovation in Vienna and EUSDR PA7. Its main aim is to contribute to the mission of the DTP and the S.O.1.1 by creating links between the local, regional, national, macro-regional and European levels while looking to improve the framework conditions for research and innovation in the Danube Macro region. Particular focus is put on policy dialog and development of new tools and instruments as well as on knowledge transfer, capacity building and awareness raising within the quadruple helix. The two main thematic fields are related to Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) and Research infrastructures (RI). 

POLE LEADER CONTACT DETAILS: project ResInfra@DR, Mr. Martin Felix Gajdusek, email: and Mr. Maximilian Benner, email:, Centre for Social Innovation (AT)


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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)