1st online Newsletter


Together for a Green Danube


On 1st January 2017, 16 partners from the Danube region officially started the GREEN DANUBE project - Integrated Transnational policies and practical solutions for an environmentally-friendly Inland Water Transport system in the Danube region. Co-funded by the Danube Transnational Programme as one of the 54 approved projects, the project focuses on limiting the impact of IWT on the Danube region by conducting dedicated activities such as emission measurements in designated critical environmental areas along the Danube river, raising public awareness with the help of newly set-up Environmental Information Centres and investigating on green technologies, alternative fuels and sailing behaviour meant to lower emission levels. 



kick off event


The GREEN DANUBE consortium brings together 10 highly experienced EU-funded partners from Danube riparian countries (DE, AT, HR, HU, RS, BG, RO) and 6 associated strategic partners - international organizations, business associations, training centres, consulting companies, river commissions and national ministries. Read more


critical environmental areas selected


The starting point in GREEN DANUBE is the set-up of assessment criteria for the selection of critical environmental areas along the Danube River where the emissions measurements and further analyses will be done based on a common methodology developed by the involved project partners. The final database will be compared with existing statistics from other transport sectors. Solutions for the reduction of air pollution emissions will be elaborated and included in a commonly developed Strategy, a very important project deliverable. Read more


greening technologies


Another major milestone ahead the GREEN DANUBE consortium will be to investigate, analyse and promote green technologies and the usage of alternative fuels. The best way to do this will be to (i) carry out surveys on characteristics & operating regimes of IWT vessels passing the monitored areas, (ii) elaborate an inventory of innovative technologies and best practices for emissions reduction, (iii) elaborate an inventory of existing facilities and future options to supply alternative fuels along the Danube. The results will be included in a so-called “Strategy for greening the Danube IWT” which will provide a set of tailored recommendations for reducing pollutant emissions generated by Inland Waterways Transport.  




GREEN DANUBE guarantees the replication of projects outputs in the entire Danube region and beyond. For this purpose, GREEN DANUBE aims to contribute to better integrated and coordinated policies for the further development of inland waterway transport by means of a Policy Agenda which shall include all major project findings. The draft Policy Agenda will be discussed and validated with relevant stakeholders during mational validation workshops.   


environmental information centres


Last but not least, sharing the results with the wider public and creating the right awareness is another main objective of the project consortium. GREEN DANUBE shall deliver IWT Environmental Information Centres (EICs) which will be brought to life with the help of the existing ITCs (in Hungary, Romania and Croatia) that will be upgraded with new innovative information and multimedia elements, and a new one will be set up in Serbia. These EICs will facilitate cooperation actions at transnational level among national authorities, environmental agencies and the general public. Read more


green danube at international events


We believe that a genuine dialogue between projects, communities and other stakeholders offers the opportunity to influence outcome and good stakeholder engagement is central to project responsibility and sustainability as a key mechanism by which a project adjusts its operations and outputs. To reach a wide range of stakeholders, the project activities and progress were introduced to a large audience at the following international events:


   Steering Group of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region PA1a – 11th May

   Deltas and Wetlands Symposium – 18th May 

   Danube Commission Workshop – 8th June 


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We would like to thank all those who are dedicated to addressing the current environmental challenges and who believe in finding solutions to break the barriers and overcome these challenges and invite you to follow the GREEN DANUBE project on social media:

https://www.linkedin.com Danube Knowledge Network






GREEN DANUBE Project Manager vasilepipirigeanu@ceronav.ro;


Mobile: 0040744133979


Managing Authority | Joint Secretariat
Széchenyi István tér 7-8 - 1051 Budapest, Hungary
E-mail: danube@interreg-danube.eu  | Web: www.interreg-danube.eu


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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)