GREEN DANUBE - Project Presentation


GREEN DANUBE- Integrated transnational policies and practical solutions for an environmentally – friendly  Inland Water Transport system in the Danube region

Programme: Danube Transnational Programme

Priority Axis 3: Better connected and energy responsible Danube region

Specific Objective 3.1: Support environmentally–friendly and safe transport systems and balanced accessibility of urban and rural areas

CERONAV Role: Lead Partner

Duration: 30 months (January 2017 – June 2019)

Consortium: 10 partners of 7 countries and 6 associate strategic partners:


  1. CERONAV – Romanian Maritime Training Centre, Lead Partner
  2. Pro Danube Management GmbH - Austria
  3. Black Sea - Danube Association of Research and Development - Bulgaria
  4. Inland Navigation Development Centre Ltd- Croatia
  5. Development Centre for Ship Technology and Transport Systems – Germany
  6. National Association of Radio Distress-Signalling and Infocommunications  – Hungary
  7. The Regional Environmental Centre for Central and Eastern Europe- Hungary
  8. Danube Delta National Institute  – Romania
  9. Association of Cross Border Cooperation  „Lower Danube” – Romania
  10. Danube Competence Centre – Serbia

Associate Strategic Partners

  1. Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve Authority – Romania
  2. General Directorate for Water – Hungary
  3. Directorate for Inland Waterways – Serbia
  4. Danube Commission  – Hungary
  5. Executive Agency Maritime Administration – Bulgaria
  6. Ministry of Transport – Romania

Project’s acronym: GREEN DANUBE

Total Budget: 1.586.244 EURO

ERDF Contribution: 1.267.897,40 EURO

IPA Contribution: 80.410 EURO

The project addresses the environmental pollution caused by the inland water transport emphasized in different European policies, strategies and initiatives, such as: Europe2020, NAIADES II, European Strategy for the Danube Region, White Paper – Roadmap to a Single European Transport Area – Towards a competitive and resource efficient transport system, etc.

The project activities include:

  • The capacitation consolidation of regulating Authorities on Inland Waterways with regard to compliance with the new standards pertaining to pollutant emissions by:
  1. Performing a study on present practices and procedures and developing action tools  and
  2. Developing transnational procedures to determine and comply with pollutant emission  standards;
  • Reduction of emissions by using environmentally–friendly technologies by elaborating a study on present fleet analysing types of engines, lifetime of vessel, fuel consumption and gas emissions;  
  • Development of navigation on Danube by limiting the negative impact of transport systems on Danube ecosystem by elaborating a transnational strategy for an adequate management. This will lead to the limitation of pollutant emissions in the Danube corridor.

The project kick–off meeting will take place on 23rd  – 24th of  February 2017, at Hotel Del Mar, Mamaia.

A large number of participants will join the event, among them project partners, associate strategic partners and representatives of renowned institutions active in inland navigation sector.




Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)