GREEN DANUBE - presented at the EUSDR Steering Group meeting together with other Danube waterway projects


The Steering Group of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region PA1a (Mobility / Waterways) held its 12th meeting in Vienna on 11th May 2017.

This event was an excellent occasion to present the status of the implementation of the Fairway Rehabilitation and Maintenance Masterplan together with the updates of the Danube-riparian countries on their waterway management works and plans.

The currently on-going inland waterborne transport-related projects from different programmes have also been presented with special focus on the initiatives co-funded by the Danube Transnational Programme (DTP). In this respect, three projects of the DTP Thematic Pole 7 – Waterways have been presented by means of the GREEN DANUBE, DANTE and DAPhNE projects also as elements contributing to the implementation of the Green Deal for Danube River Transport policy initiative.


All project initiatives have been welcomed by the representatives of DG MOVE, DG Regio and the Danube Strategy Point.

The next Steering Group meeting of PA1a is scheduled for 29th November 2017 in Brussels.

Contact:  Ph.D Vasile PIPIRIGEANU

GREEN DANUBE Project Manager; Mobile: 0040744133979

 Project website: ; fb:

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)