ConnectGREEN - Keeping the GREEN connections during times of social distancing



Keeping the GREEN connections during times of social distancing


For the first part of 2020, ConnectGREEN team focused on advancing policy work and technical development for integrated planning. While physical meetings or open space events were temporarily put on hold due to the lockdown, online activities and fieldwork took the foreground. And yes, we have good news and upcoming events to announce. 

ConnectGREEN wishes you all to keep safe all while keeping connected!


Get acquainted with key facts about connectivity in your own language


ConnectGREEN aims to bring ecological connectivity closer to the people in the Carpathians. We have prepared an introductory material - easy to read and focusing on essential facts - that will help you get a better understanding of the role of ecological corridors for both people and wildlife. 


Explore our new Brochure on “Ecological connectivity, the web of life for people and nature” in Czech, Hungarian, Romanian, Serbian and Slovakian language!



Improvements on the Methodology for identifying ecological corridors


Improvements  were brought to the Methodology for the identification of ecological corridors after a recent quality control check by external experts. Moreover, a first draft of habitat connectivity of large carnivores in the Carpathians based on habitats’ suitability modelling was introduced (see map). 


These advances were presented during the 31st of March virtual meeting of the ConnectGREEN Project Consortium. This virtual meeting participants also analysed ongoing activities, adaptations of activities that are dependent on personal contacts and reflected on those activities that need to be cancelled or postponed like the dissemination events.

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Romania. April 8th, 2020. The virtual workshop focusing on next steps for ecological corridors in Romania brought together 30 participants from Romanian authorities (three ministries: Environment, Spatial Planning and, respectively, Transportation, as well as national and regional agencies), academia (Romanian Academy, Transylvania University), protected areas (Piatra Craiului National Park), experts, and NGOs. The meeting was acknowledged as a very useful one, and it marks the setup of a national informal technical working group for ecological connectivity in Romania under the coordination of the Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forests. 

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Serbia. April 15th, 2020.  Over 20 high-level attendants agreed to meet in an online setting for the 2nd National Workshop in Serbia. The main topics for discussion were the draft Strategy on the Identification, Conservation, Restoration, and Management of Ecological Corridors in the Carpathian Ecoregion to bring in the Serbian perspective and to discuss how to implement the Strategy envisaged to be adopted at the next Conference of the Parties to the Carpathian Convention.

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Carpathian Convention Working Groups Meetings, 10-11 March 2020


The Carpathian Convention Working Groups on Biodiversity and Sustainable Transport Meeting including the Carpathian Network of Protected Areas Steering Group Meeting took place from 10th to 11th of March 2020. For the first time in its history, the meeting was held online. The contribution of ConnectGREEN to the meeting was the first draft of the Strategy on the Identification, Conservation, Restoration, and Management of Ecological Corridors in the Carpathian Ecoregion.

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Wolf: a Carpathian legend in the spotlight


Two recent articles published by ConnectGREEN bring in the spotlight the fascinating nature of one of the key species in the Carpahian ecosystem: the wolf!


One article explores the deep and long-lasting relationship between humans and wildlife through a Romanian legend of the wolf.

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Closer to our times, another story can become an example of empathy and cooperation as a wolf disabled in a car accident could survive in the wild with the help of its pack.

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Image copyright Tom Junek.



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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)