Made in Danube: Bioeconomy a key element for smart and green growth in europe and the danube region
Made in Danube at a glance
Within the Made in Danube consortium, we truly believe in the economic strength and potential of the Danube Region and at the same time share the vision to overcome cultural, economic and ecological impediments with joint forces. One of the main territorial challenges concerns the low competitiveness of SMEs - often caused by the lack of innovation capacitiesof involved actors. The Made in Danube project responds to this challenge using a three-fold approach:
it will develop a common strategy to transform ideas into marketable products and services which shall facilitate the conversion of knowledge into innovative solutions. It will create tools and services to facilitate the process of developing collaborative projects. Last but not least, it supports good practices exchange in the area of innovation and technology transfer linked to bioeconomy.
Project Progress
Made in Danube has now reached its core implementation phase. Over the past months, we have been working on the following activities, some of which have been concluded.
One of the main achievements in this period is the successfully implemented Policy Dialog event in May 2018. Being one of the major Dissemination events within the project, many project partners contributed to the success by bringing in their knowledge in panels and workshops. More than 120 people from all Danube region gathered in Bucharest to discuss policies and best practices within the field of bioeconomy. On the second day, an additional brokerage event was organized – a great start for the upcoming two brokerage events which we will organize later this year. Based on tools previously developed within the project, the consortium started to generate Technology Offers, Technology Requests and Innovation Audits in order to find suitable candidates for the brokerage activities and to increase the technology transfer skills. Partners receive professional assistance in form of virtual meetings and three handbooks before and during this activity.

The consortium kept on pursuing the objective to enhance knowledge, skills and insights through workshops and trainings. During the last semester three Workshops in the field of Innovation Management have been conducted in Croatia, Slovenia and Hungary. In total more than 50 participants deriving from SMEs, research institutions and the general public received professional trainings on how to improve innovation conditions and to support collaboration process between enterprises and RTO in the field of bioeconomy. Another implemented capacity building activity is linked to the technology transfer (TT) training. A total of three trainings were delivered, two of them in 2018 (Romania, Slovakia, Hungary). During all trainings, participants had the chance to share best practices on TT and received a valuable overview of main trends and challenges in this regard. Directly linked with the objective to connect all relevant actors from bioeconomy and create links between R&I, three Best-Practice Workshops were held during this period. Around 70 people participated in the training held in Slovakia, Slovenia and Hungary. Specific handbooks were written for all trainings and handed out to the participants.
Policy Dialog Event and 11th Forum for Innovation, 24–25 May 2018, Bucharest, Romania
The goal of the Policy Dialog Event was to discover, develop, and disseminate best practice, new policies, and robust, accessible, applied theory in the areas of bioeconomy, innovation and general management. For creating economic value and social prosperity, production research has to generate knowledge sensitive to society’s needs and transferable “just in time” to the economic environment by innovative solutions for products and processes. Our goal was not so much to teach our community what to think, but rather to continually better understand how to think.
Throughout the two days, Guests had the opportunity to attend panels of different thematic orientations. The topics offered included: Innovation and technological progress, driving force for strengthening competitiveness of enterprises, accelerating technology transfer in the region/policies in the field of bioeconomy as priority in RIS and European Funding Schemes, DTC – Danube Transfer Centres, innovation for development and competitiveness through clusters in the field of bioeconomy as priority in RIS and European Funding Schemes, DTC – Danube Transfer Centres innovation for development and competitiveness through clusters in the field of bioeconomy, implementation of Local Action Plans and INTERREG DTP Capitalization Strategy, success stories in the field of bioeconomy and innovations - synergies between projects, innovative start-ups in the field of bioeconomy, along the Danube.
A Parallel Event was realized in partnership with Priority Area 8 “Competitiveness”. It was a Cross-fertilisati on Innovation and Technology Transfer Workshop with thematic focus on Tourism and Digitalization, in co-operation with Priority Areas 3 “Culture & tourism” & 7 “Knowledge Society”. The additionally organized brokerage event on the second day generated 118 meetings.

Innovation Management Training, 28 May 2018, Vinkovci, Croatia
A training course "Innovation Management" was held at the premises of the Vukovar-Srijem County Development Agency, Croatia. The Innovation Management training was held under the Transnational Cooperation Project to Transform Knowledge into Sustainable Products and Services for the Sustainable Danube Society of the Future - Made in Danube. The training brought together around 20 representatives of small and medium-sized enterpriseswith the aim to improve the framework conditions for innovation by supporting the collaboration process between companies and RTO in the innovation driven field of bioeconomy.
Participants obtained information about innovation management processes and how to identify key areas and concrete steps to optimize the business results. The participants had the possibility of sharing best practices and experiences related to this area and were encouraged to bring in and introduce their own case to the training, thus benefit from collective discussion.
Also, ECO KARST project from the INTERREG Danube Transnational Programme, (2nd call), was presented by project partner Slovenia Forest Service. ECO KARSTaims to contribute to the protection and sustainable development of karst bio-regions in the Danube region based on their valued Ecosystem services, finding a synergy between projects in bio economy and bio diversity in the Danube region.
Technology Transfer Training event, 29 May, Kolíňany, Slovakia
The aim of the training was to improve the framework conditions for innovation by supporting the collaboration process between companies and RTO in the innovation-driven field of bio economy.
The training was prepared and conducted to appeal to university scientists, farm representatives or other agricultural entities and to representatives of companies in which the product portfolio is located for farmers (e.g. agricultural machinery manufacturers). The training has improved the awareness of participants on TT phenomenon, concretely on its main trends, challenges and the channels of the technology transfer processes in order to manage the technology process successfully in the future and to bridge the gap between R&D, innovation and business creation.
They have got information about effective and efficient methods, as well as practical tips. Participants were involved in simulated real situation associated with the TT and scientists approached the position and view of the company or the direct user of their research results.
Made in Danube Project on 15th Wood Technology Conference, 3-5 June 2018, Opatija, Croatia
The WTC is a central event of woodprocessing and forestrysector in Croatia and thecountries of South-EastEuropean region. It was organized by the Croatian Wood Cluster, the Centre for Development and Marketing and the Wood & Furniture Magazine, under the high patronage of the Office of the President of the Republic of Croatia, Kolinda Grabar Kitarović. The traditional sectorial gathering in Opatija brought together over 300 important woodcutters, foresters, politicians, representatives of institutions, academics and numerous media representatives to present encouraging export and output results of the sector.
At the conference, VedranaDžoić, project manager from partner institution Vukovar-Srijem County Development Agency, presented the Made in Danube project, with an emphasis on possible synergy and cooperation with stakeholders in the wood sector. During the conference and within theDanuBioValNet project, also from the Danube Transnational Programme, the workshop Cluster Manager Training was held, with the aim of intensifying cross-sectorial cooperation in bio-based industries. At the workshop, the Made in Danube project was presented as an example of good practice and an opportunity for further synergies in R & D projects with positive feedback.
Innovation Management Training, 5 June 2018, University of Maribor, Slovenia
After the training, participants were able to overview and tackle the challenges of innovation management processes, identify key areas for future improvement and define concrete actions to maximise operational results.
During the training the participants had the possibility of sharing the best practices and experiences related in this area and were welcome to bring and introduce their own case to the training Workshops and practical activities were organized. During the training tools to measure and improve innovation management performance were introduced and discussed with the participants. Prior to this workshop training materialsin form of a handbook related to the topic were developed and handed over. They do not only supportintramural learning but also online or e-learning as well.
Synergies with others projects
Foresda- Forest-based cross-sectorial value chains fostering innovation & competitiveness in the Danube region
Supporting the transformation, strengthen the competitiveness of traditional forest-based industries, is one of the main objectives of the FORESDA project. Forest-based industries have the potential to become the engine for sustainable and competitive bio economy in the Danube Region, but, unfortunately they suffer from significant disparities, low level of internationalization, lack of cooperation, weak innovation culture, etc. Therefore, FORESDA was built-up in order to support the transformation of traditional forest-based industries.
InnoHPC - High-performance Computing for Effective Innovation in the Danube Region
High performance computing (HPC) is an emerging general-purpose technology. It can improve framework conditions for innovations by drastically increasing effectiveness of innovations and reducing product development time. The main objective of InnoHPC is to create transnational HPC laboratory for co-designing knowledge-intensive innovative products with high value-added in transnational value-chains. Key outputs are transnational InnoHPC Lab pooling regional HPC infrastructure and competencies, web platform providing HPC access, integrated services and capacity building tools, and sustainability toolkit, to support durability of InnoHPC Lab beyond the project.
Made in Danube project creates synergies during the Priority Area 7 SG Meeting, 13 June 2018, Bratislava
More than 20 members of Priority Area 7 Steering Group “To develop the Knowledge Society (research, education and ICT)”, gathered in Bratislava in the occasion of the 15th PA7 SG Meeting. During the event,participants discussed the results and impacts of implemented activities, the process of revising the current EUSDR Action Plan, and simplification of PA7. Mr. Daniel Ács, the representative of the Union of Slovak Clusters andMade in Danube project partner, promoted the goals and activities of the project, the synergies between the activities of Priority Area 7 and Made in Danube.
The representatives of Made in Danube project and EcoInn Danube have discussed common objectives, the results and outputs of both projects, and also the possible future cooperation and coordination of events. Mr. Daniel Ács, presented on behalf of Mrs. Daniela Chiran, the coordinator of Pole 1, the topic Pole 1 “Innovative Ecosystems for SMEs” working together with Priority Area 8 “Competitiveness”.
Study visit at Falco Kronospan (Wood Industry), Szombathely, Hungary, 23-24 May 2018
On 23rd May, partners of the INKREASE project gathered for a consortium meeting in Hungary. The meeting was organized by Pannon Business Network (PBN) who is also Project Partner in Made in Danube. The project INKREASE isfinanced by the INTERREG EUROPE program and aims to improveregional and national policy instruments, which support business and academia cooperation through the international learning process. This joint learning initiative of intermediary organisations, public authorities and companies include study visits, staff exchange actions and the identification and analysis of European good practices in the topic of technology transfer. During the event,participantshad the opportunityto visit amLAB -adigital innovation hub of PBN.Afterwards, partners were invited for a company visit atFalcoKnonospan which is an outstanding actor of the Wood industry of the West-Transdanubian region. During the visit, the partners learned about the history, production processes and products of Kronospanas well as geeting familiar withthe role of the company in higher education and in the local economy.
ANTARES: Centre of Excellence for Advanced Technologies in Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security, H2020-WIDESPREAD-2014 Teaming
ANTARES aims to evolve BioSense Centre at the University of Novi Sad, Serbia, into a European Centre of Excellence for advanced technologies in sustainable agriculture and food security. The participation of the Netherlands, the leading European research institute for applied and market-driven research in agriculture and food security, will secure that the know-how and experience of highest European standards are transplanted to Serbia.
Danube Rectors Conference, Comenius University, Bratislava 7 - 9 November 2018
The Danube Rectors' Conference is a strong network of 70 universities in this region. The aim is to improve higher education in teaching & research, the advancement of our member universities by establishing sustainable contacts.
- Call for nominations ”Danubius Young Scientist Award 2018”; Young Scholars Forum
- Call for Applications for OeAD Summer Schools; 2018 Danube:Future Interdisciplinary School (DIS)
- 'Investment Readiness of Innovation Projects in South East Europe'; Out of the Box Summer School
- EUA Affiliate Status & EUA Newsletter; ELTE Summer University of Hungarian Language & Culture
Green Summer School "Ecoinnovation - Grasping the future", Vienna, Austria, 25-28 September 2018
BOKU is involved in the organisation of the summer school. It will take place in the framework of the Interreg Danube Transnational Programme project "EcoInn". Four exciting days of interactive program with creative and inspiring minds are awaiting you in Vienna. Check out the website for more detailed information. Apply now to learn from professionals and work on your own ideas! Participation is for free, registration via mail to tto@boku.ac.at.
Bioeconomy Forum
What is the contribution of biofuels to achieve the 2 degree target of the international climate policy
Biofuels are one of the key options under discussion to decarbonise the transport sector, with other alternatives gaining importance recently. The Impact Assessment of the EC in preparation of RED2 (Brussels, 30.11.2016 SWD (2016) 418 final PART 1/4, p. 36) shows the contribution required from biofuels.
John Bell on the bioeconomy's promise for global development
In an interview with Il Bioeconomist, John Bell (Director at the European Commission in charge of bioeconomy) talks about the new strategy on bioeconomy, the EU’s new research and innovation programme, the role of member states and regions and the connection between bioeconomy and society.
Circular Economy: New rules will make EU the global front-runner in waste management and recycling
More... http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_IP-18-3846_en.htm
More... https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=OJ:L:2018:150:TOC
Selection for your Agenda
Calls/ Bioeconomy capital
EIB initiative to mobilise €1B investment in agriculture and bioeconomy
The European Investment Bank this week launched a new financing initiative that aims to unlock close to €1 billion of investment in the agriculture and bioeconomy sector. The operation will be guaranteed by the EU budget under the European Fund for Strategic Investments.
INFRAINNOV-2019: Stimulate the innovation potential of SMEs. Deadline: January 29, 2019
Proposals are expected to propose an outreach approach for identifying and attracting SMEs whose innovation potential could be increased as users of advanced HPC services, and a mechanism involving financial support to third parties which will adequately stimulate such innovation potential of SMEs participating in the action.
Selection for your Agenda
News title - picture and text
Brokerage event during WindEnergyMatch, 27-28 September 2018, Hamburg, Germany
International brokerage event during WindEnergy Hamburg 2018 open for visitors and exhibitors, companies and institutions. Focus:
- manufacturers of wind turbines
- components / supplier
- new materials, composites
- raw materials & supplies
- installation
- planning & project development
- operation & maintenance
- grid operation
- energy storage
B2B meetings during Biotech Cluster and SME Mission 2018, 09-12 October 2018, Tokyo, Japan
The Biotech Cluster/SME mission coincides with the “BioJapan” Expo in Yokohama. During the fair (3 days) participants will attend showcase sessions and B2B meetings and meet with Japanese visitors. In order to maximize participants' partnering opportunities, participants will be able to exhibit in the EU Delegation booth.
More… Other...
Selection for your Agenda
- 28 August, Matchmaking-event-at-Meet4business-Agra-2018, Gornja Radgona, Slovenia
- 18-20 September, 4th-Advanced-Biofuels-Conference, Gothenburg, Sweden
- 20-22 September, Food-for-change-B2B-Salone-del-Gusto, Torino, Italy
- 24-30 September, European Biotech Week
- 25 September Biotech Atelier, Sofia Tech Park Sofia, Bulgaria
- 25-27 September, BioSpain, Seville, Spain
- 26-27 September, Life Sciences Baltics, Vilnius, Lithuania
- 27-28 September, IFIB 2018 International Forum on Industrial Biotechnology and Bioeconomy, Torino, Italy.
- 16-18 October, EFIB 2018 European Forum for Industrial Biotech and the Bioeconomy, Toulouse, France
- 18-19 October, 7th-Annual-Forum-of-the-EU-Strategy-for-the-Danube-Region, Sofia, Bulgaria
- 24-25 October, Renexpo-Bih-B2B-events-Trade-Fair-renewables-environment, Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina
- 24-26 October, International Conference on Biotechnology and Bioengineering
- 6-9 November, ECOMONDO-the-Green-Technologies-Expo, Rimini, Italy
- 7-8 November, European-biomass-to-power-Conference-and-two-exclusives-visits/, Stockholm, Sweden
- 8 November, Recycling-technology-2018-and-brokerage-event/, Dortmund, Germany
Technology Offers; Technology Request
High voltage electrochemical oxidation technology from Belarus A Belarus
R&D institute developed a technology of high voltage electrochemical oxidation. The technology is used to form hardwearing aluminium ceramic coatings on products from aluminium alloys. Coating properties: hardness up to 8 GPa; roughness < 0,05 чm; thickness up to 70 чm. The institute is looking for industrial partners or R&D organisations for commercial agreement with technical assistance, license agreement or research cooperation agreement.
Technology Offers – Wood sector, Biofuels, Precision farming
Technology Request
Research, Innovation and Entrepreneurship
European Commission to propose €100B for research programme
The figure is an increase, which includes €97.6 billion for Horizon Europe and €2.4 billion for the Euratom nuclear research programme. For Horizon Europe, that’s an increase of almost 30 per cent on the EU’s existing research programme. The new research programme is tipped to be one of only two EU budget lines expected to go up in the Commission’s seven-year proposal; the other is the Erasmus+ student exchange programme.
More... More...
How can regions and countries join the S3 Platform? Deadline: December 31, 2020
We strongly suggest you to register at the most relevant territorial level (NUTS I, II or III) with respect to the decision-making process on drafting innovation strategies and managing EU Structural Funds. Registration details should include the relevant departments for both processes.
Selection for your Agenda
Clusters & SMEs
A European cluster network: the Council of European BioRegions (CEBR)
CEBR is a membership-driven network of life science clusters across Europe, with approximately 40 subscription members and hundreds of cluster partners across the world. They represent and support thousands of SMEs and hundreds of universities and research centres. CEBR was founded by clusters seeking to work directly together for stronger local and international development of Europe’s life science sector, primarily through the support of SME development within a cluster eco-system.
Progeco Italy - Complete biogas treatment systems in Romania
The main projects carried out in Romania are biogas treatment lines for wastewater treatment plants and façade systems for the burning of excess biogas. The company range includes technologies as vortex, gravel, ceramic candle filters, activated charcoal desulphurisation filters or NaOH-based chemical systems, open or closed combustion systems, biogas drying systems. They have, as reference, more sewage treatment plants in Romania.
Selection for your Agenda
Social Media - Made in Danube
News and information about Made in Danube will constantly be shared via Social Media Channels. Follow us now on:
Website: http://dtp.interreg-danube.eu/made-in-danube
YouTube The Made in Danube project film is available. Visit http://bit.ly/2qrUNps & enjoy!
Project Website: http://dtp.interreg-danube.eu/made-in-danube
Contact: Steinbeis-Europa-Zentrum of the Steinbeis Innovation GmbH
Address: Steinhäuser Straße 12, 76135 Karlsruhe, Germany, fax: +49 721 935 1920
Daniela Chiran: phone:+49 721 935 1932, chiran@steinbeis-europa.de
Miljana Cosic: phone +49 721 935 19 138, cosic@steinbeis-europa.de
Isabel Trömel: phone:+49 721 935 1933, troemel@steinbeis-europa.de
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