Made in Danube - Invitation to join Innovation Management Training in Maribor | 5th June 2018


Training Objective

After this training participants will be able to overview and tackle the challenges of innovation management (IM) processes, identify key areas for future improvement and define concrete actions to maximise operational results. In the course of the training the participants will have the possibility of sharing the best practices and experiences related to this area to each other, participants are also welcome to bring and introduce their own case to the training to benefit from collective discussion.

During the training tools to measure and improve innovation management performance will be introduced. This training will also include delivery training materials (in form of Handbook related to the topic), which are available not only for intramural learning but online or e-learning as well.

The event will be held in English.

Click here for Agenda.

University of Maribor
Rectorat builing
Slomškov trg 15
2000 Maribor

Via email and by phone (+386 2 23 55 375)
Registration is open until: 31.05.2018

participation is free of charge

For more information related to the content of the training, please contact:
Peter Alešnik,
Tel.: +386 2 23 55 375 


Please be aware that prior to this training you will be asked to confirm your presence in form of a signature list. Event participation without signing the attendance list is unfortunately not possible.

This collection of your personal information is intended only for the express purpose of organizing and managing the training as well as for the reimbursement procedure. We are committed to respect and protect the privacy of personal data collected. We regard your personal data as confidential information and will never communicate it to third parties. This information may be disseminated electronically or on paper and conferred to other participants in the interest of facilitating communication among them, proving their attendance with the signature list to EU-funded control systems, as well as for the promotion of future events on this subject or on similar subjects. 

Please note that you will be attending an event where photographs and/or audio-visual footage may be taken. By attending this event, you freely provide your agreement that you accept to be photographed, filmed or recorded. You also agree that the above-mentioned photos and video or sound recordings may be used, reproduced, distributed and communicated to the public for any other purposes by the Made in Danube project within the Danube Transnational Programme on websites or other information tools, such as social media or electronic or printed publications.

A person attending a Made in Danube training who does not wish to have their image recorded for distribution should make their wishes known to the event organizers.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)