Made in Danube Transnational Cooperation to transform knowledge into marketable products and services for the Danubian sustainable society of tomorrow
The rising population and associated demand for renewable biological resources make Bioeconomy a key element for smart and green growth in Europe and the Danube Region. Successful development of innovative services and new products in this field highly depend on an efficient collaboration between research organizations and regional companies.
For this reason Made in Danube will try to improve the conditions for this cooperation by developing innovation tools which will match the needs of companies with the expertise of research organizations; By integrating three existing regional initiatives:
1. Smart and innovative precision farming (Nitra, Slovakia)
2. Competence Center in Wood Sector (Vukovar, Croatia)
3. Biofuel (Novi Sad, Serbia)
Made in Danube will further implement the developed tools and build 15 sustainable bioeconomy-based innovation partnerships involving 40 regional companies. This way Made in Danube will not only contribute to the competitiveness of SMEs in the South-Eastern Danube Region but also generate significant change for the entire area by supporting regional Smart Specialisation Strategies.
Involving 15 project partners and 3 associated strategic partners from 10 Danube Region countries, Made in Danube will generate significant changes throughout the entire Danube Region in order to improve framework conditions for innovation and support the implementation of regional Smart Specialisation Strategies.

- Start date
- 01-01-2017
- End date
- 30-06-2019
- Budget in Euro
- Overall: 1901275
- ERDF Contribution: 1518248,75
- IPA Contribution: 97835
- ENI Contribution: 0
- Call number
- Call 1
- Priority
- Innovative and socially responsible Danube region
- Specific objective
- Improve framework conditions for innovation
Filename | Date of upload | |
Training Handbook - Technology Transfer | 20-12-2018 12:11:03 | |
Training Handbook - Transnational Partnership | 20-12-2018 12:10:16 | |
Training Handbook - Social Innovation | 20-12-2018 12:09:32 | |
Training Handbook - Innovation Management | 20-12-2018 12:09:07 | |
D 3.3.3 LAP for Biofuels_final.pdf | 30-05-2018 16:23:36 |
Project Partners
Name | Type | Country | |
Steinbeis Innovation gGmbH, Steinbeis-Europe-Center | Lead partner | | Germany |
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca | ERDF partner | | Romania |
ZSI – Centre for Social Innovation | ERDF partner | | Austria |
Pannon Business Network Association | ERDF partner | | Hungary |
SC IPA S.A, Business Incubator | ERDF partner | | Romania |
Project News
Made in Danube - Capitalisation with INTERREG Adriatic Ionian
- 14-06-2019Capitalization with INTERREG Adriatic Ionian Projects In the frame of Interreg Adrion project BIOECO-R.D.I., on 13th and 14th of May, a Peer review and matchmaking event was organized within the International Agricultural Fair in Novi Sad,...
Made in Danube - Successful final event of the „Made in Danube“-project in Stuttgart
- 14-06-2019Made in Danube Final Event Stuttgart, 3rd June 2019 On 3rd of June 2019 the final conference of the „Made in Danube“ project took place in Stuttgart, Germany. More than 65 persons from different areas (academia, industry, public...
Made in Danube - Open Innovation World Cafe in Vinkovci, Croatia - May 9th 2019
- 29-04-2019Invitation to workshop „Open Innovation World Café“ Excellent Pub, Square Josip Šokčević 2, 32 100 Vinkovci, Croatia 9th May 2019, 10:00 - 13:00 The development of new products and innovative services in the area of bioeconomy by...
- 05-04-2019Invitation “Open Innovation World Café - Climate Innovation and Bioeconomy“ Impact Hub Budapest Budapest Ferenciek tere 2. 1st floor 12th April 2019, 08:45 -12:30 Climate change is a hot issue all around the world. Urban communities...
Made in Danube - Open Innovation World Café in Nitra | 11th April 2019
- 29-03-2019Invitation “Open Innovation World Café“ AgroBioTech Research Centre of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra Trieda Andreja Hlinku 2, 949 76 Nitra, Slovakia 11th April 2019, 08:45-13:00 The development of new products and...