Made in Danube Transnational Cooperation to transform knowledge into marketable products and services for the Danubian sustainable society of tomorrow

Press Releases

In this section you will find relevant press releases for the Made in Danube project

1. Landesverband der Baden-Württembergischen Industrie, Kick-Off-Veranstaltung des Interreg-Projekts Made in Danube

2. BOKU Magazin, 2nd edition in 2017

3. Magazine polnohospodár, Slovak University of Agriculture, 23rd June 2017 

4. Newspaper Giurgiuveanul on Policy Dialog Event in Bucharest, 25th May 2018

5. Magazin pol'no hospodár", Slovak University of Agriculture, "Technology Transfer Training in Nitra", 15th June 2018

6. Magazin KOMMUNALtopinform, about "Innovation Partnerships among the Danube River", June 2018 (article only available in German)

7. Website Vukovar Srijem County, about the Policy Dialogue Workshop, 26th September 2018

8. Website of Vukovar Srijem County Development Agency, about the Policy Dialogue Workshop, 26th September 2018

9. Website Ministry of Research and Innovation(1 + 2), Ministry of Foreign Affairs Romania and about Policy Dialogue Workshop in Bucharest, 2nd November 2018.

10. Statement from Daniela Chiran at VijestiBa newspaper about Bosnia and Herzegovina not using the opportunities provided by membership in the EU Strategy for the Danube Region


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)