Made in Danube Transnational Cooperation to transform knowledge into marketable products and services for the Danubian sustainable society of tomorrow

Thematic Pole 1 - Innovative ecosystem for SMEs

Within the INTERREG Danube Transnational Programme (DTP) 11 “Thematic Poles” have been established to enable projects to exploit and consolidate one another’s achievements, and create a higher leverage effect. Made in Danube is coordinating Thematic Pole 1 "Innovative Ecosystems for SMEs" which is comprised of 11 approved projects from the 1st and 2nd programme call.

With our work, we want to enhance the visibility and impact of both projects and Programme. The DTP Capitalisation shall empower involved projects to improve the quality and sustainability of deliverables, strengthen their communication to common stakeholders, and enable the reinforcement of existing or forming of new cooperation networks and projects. In addition, DTP Capitalisation shall increase the knowledge of programming bodies about cooperation-gaps, territorial needs and/or potentials in the Programme area.

Numerous workshops and meeting were organized to reinforce existing networks, getting acquainted with the developments in the thematic field(s), connecting with relevant potential partners for future projects as well as to create synergies and identify complementarities with the projects within and outside the DTP.

Several documents about the background of capitalisation and achieved results have been developed by both the Programme and pole leaders / members:

1. Introduction INTERREG DTP Capitalisation Strategy

2. DTP Capitalisation Strategy Handbook

3. Overview of Pole 1 "Innovative Ecosystems for SMEs" Members

Do you want more information or would you like to get involved in Pole activities, please contact Pole leader Mrs Daniela Chiran, / Steinbeis Innovation gGmbH, Steinbeis-Europe-Center (DE).

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)