KnowING IPR Fostering Innovation in the Danube Region through Knowledge Engineering and IPR Management

Software Patenting

Below you can find new, interesting possibilities for knowledge transfer and opportunities for you to check. You can learn more about the following topics:

  • General introduction to patenting
  • Software as IP asset
  • Software patenting

The topics include content in various formats in three different levels (basic, intermediate and advanced). They include various videos and reading materials. Different sources of the videos were prepared - some publicly available online and some made by our partners. They are meant to enrich the reading content. The reading materials were prepared by the KnowING IPR project partners to enable self-learning on IPR Management.



By accessing the Digital entrepreneurship reading material, you will be able to understand key topics as entrepreneurship, digital entrepreneurship and the benefits of digital  entrepreneurship, which are part of the General Introduction to Patenting section in the TechTransfer Summer School

The video below, triggers the question of Why bother considering IPR issues? By accessing the video, you will understand why IPR management is the key to business success.

More information about Technology Transfer, you can find in the enclosed document: Technology Transfer and Open Innovation. The reading offers insights about Technology Transfer and its Processes, Lessons for Technology Transfer Officers and Rules of IPR Management.

Additionally, you have the access to insides of General information on EU patents and EPO patent grant procedure.

Lastly, you can access the presentations presented by Bernhard Koch from the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna:

and Paul Haering, Steinbeis 2i GmbH | Steinbeis-Europa-Zentrum:

Additionally, you can check the presentation from the Chief Intellectual Property Advisor, András Jókúti:

We are concluding this topic with a presentation from Hrvoje Hadžić (Innovation manager & Business Development) on Innovation Management in Practice:




For the theme of Software as IP asset, we propose you a video on the topic of Digital Inventions, presented by assoc. prof. Dolores Modic:




By accessing the materials from this theme, you will be able to understand the Software patenting at the EPO, but also get familiarised with an example of a (non)technical problem, namely Artificial Intelligence and Patents.

Additionally, at your disposal, you will have several good practice cases of Software Patenting, of companies from different industries.

Additionally, at your disposal you have the presentation of the paper, prepare for the  14th International Technology Transfer Conference on Software Protection and Licensing Challenges in Europe.

Lastly, in case you missed the presentation on Software Patenting, presented by assist. prof. Urška Fric (Faculty of Information Studies) and MSc CLP Robert Blatnik (Center for Transfer and Innovation, Jožef Štefan Institute)  from the first day of the Summer School, you can check it below:

Marjana Šarolić Robić, presented an interesting insight on Software Patenting in Practice:

Different aspects of software patenting KnowING IPRFile, presented by assoc. prof. Dolores Modic:



The goal of the mentoring programme is for participants to complete the Patent report with the help of the Knowing HUB search engine and One-to-One mentoring.

KnowlNGHub Web Portal provides the complete online infrastructure for access to enriched data, developed knowledge extraction tools and IPR management tools for both basic and more advanced users. It enables searches and data retrieval using browsers and mobile applications. It offers a complete KnowlNGHub service online.

Basic User KnowingIPR Web Application

Patenting Advanced Search

Also available for you:
KnowING Pilot Report Template

KnowING Pilot Report Instructions

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)