KnowING IPR Fostering Innovation in the Danube Region through Knowledge Engineering and IPR Management



About KnowING HUB

KnowlNGHub Web Portal provides the complete online infrastructure for access to enriched data, developed knowledge extraction tools and IPR management tools for both basic and more advanced users. It enables searches and data retrieval using browsers and mobile applications. It offers a complete KnowlNGHub service online.

Click on the photo below and browse the KnowING HUB!


KnowING HUB Training KITs

To assure a better user experience we offer training kits for providers, basic users and advanced users.


  • Training KIT for providers

Reading materials

IPR challenges of the Danube region - reading material Part I

IPR challenges of the Danube region - reading material Part II

The reading materials on the challenges of the Danubian region are divided into two parts. The reason is in the depths of the thematic being discussed from two perspectives. However, in both cases, the reading materials deal with challenges related to policy, finance, culture, human capital, markets and supports.

Action plan to enhance IPR development in Danube region - reading material

The topic on the Action plan for KnowING HUB providers firstly answers the question of Why such plan is needed, and after that, it answers the question on what is the role of IPR in the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR). Furthermore, it elaborates the tasks taken at the national and on the Danube region level to enhance IPR in designated units. For providers of KnowING HUB, it elaborates the tasks needed to be taken by providers on the levels of Organizations, upgrading human capital and upgrading policies.

On Technology transfer and Open innovation reading material for providers

The above reading material presents information on the topics of what Technology transfer is and how it functions in a world of Open innovation paradigm. Information is provided on how the technology transfer process functions. In the last chapter, the basics lessons for technology transfer officers are explained and summarized.

Video materials

To support the above documents, we have prepared a set of video materials on IPR management and basic concepts and principles:

Towards intellectual property rights management

Intellectual Property: Basic Concepts and Principles


  • Training KIT for basic users

Reading materials

EPO patent and grant procedure

The material offers general information on EU patent and EPO patent grat procedure, covering the topics like application, costs, classifications and more.

IPR challenges of the Danube region

The document reveals the data collection regarding challenges related to IPR in the Danube Region countries: Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Germany, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia and Ukraine

On Technology transfer and Open innovation for basic users

What is technology transfer? What is open innovation? How does Open innovation work? All about that and more ins answered in the above document.

Video materials

To support the above documents, we have prepared a set of video materials on

Basic user KnowING Web Application


  • Training KIT for advanced users

Reading materials

EPO patent and grant procedure

The material offers general information on EU patent and EPO patent grat procedure, covering the topics like application, costs, classifications and more.

IPR challenges of the Danube region - reading material Part I

IPR challenges of the Danube region - reading material Part II

The reading materials on the challenges of the Danubian region are divided into two parts. The reason is in the depths of the thematic being discussed from two perspectives. However, in both cases, the reading materials deal with challenges related to policy, finance, culture, human capital, markets and supports.

On Technology transfer and Open innovation reading material for advanced users

What is technology transfer? What is open innovation? How does Open innovation work? All about that and more ins answered in the above document.

Software patents

We invite you to learn more about the software patents, patenting software at European Patent Office and Artificial Intelligence & Patenting.

Video materials

To support the above documents, we have prepared a set of video materials on

Patenting advanced search


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)