DIONYSUS Integrating Danube Region into Smart & Sustainable Multi-modal & Intermodal Transport Chains

  • DIONYSUS - REGISTRATION: 3rd Workshop on Container Liner Services
    - 29-03-2022
    REGISTRATION: 3rd Workshop on Container Liner Services

    Organised in the frame of the Dionysus Project, the Consortium and MPAC have the  pleasure to invite you to participate in the 3rd Workshop on Container Liner Services event that will be organized online.  The 3rd Workshop on Container...

  • DIONYSUS - DPN at the DC’s Expert Group on Ports and Port Operations
    - 11-03-2022
    DPN at the DC’s Expert Group on Ports and Port Operations

    Organised on 9 March, the second meeting of the Danube Commission’s Expert Group on Ports and Port Operations brought together more than 50 European experts ranging from the Coordinator of the Rhine-Danube Corridor, representatives of the...

  • DIONYSUS - 1st online workshop dedicated to the facilitation of cross-border/cross Black Sea services succesfuly organised
    - 10-12-2021
    1st online workshop dedicated to the facilitation of cross-border/cross Black Sea services succesfuly organised

    On 8th of December 2021, Port of Constanta Administration held online 1st DIONYSUS Workshop to facilitate cross-border/cross Black Sea services. The event was organized within the DIONYSUS project, Work Package T1 - Transport Corridors & IWT...

  • DIONYSUS - Danube Ports Day 2021 Successfully Organised
    - 01-12-2021
    Danube Ports Day 2021 Successfully Organised

    The 2021 Danube Ports Day was successfully organised in the frame of the DIONYSUS project by the teams of Pro Danube Management and the Port Authority Vukovar, with the support of the Danube Ports Network.  The event brought together more...

  • DIONYSUS - SE “Ukrainian sea ports authority” continues to promote the development of Danube IWT
    - 30-11-2021
    SE “Ukrainian sea ports authority” continues to promote the development of Danube IWT

    SE “Ukrainian sea ports authority” continued to actively promote the DIONYSUS project as a supporting organizer of the international specialized exhibition New PORT, which took place in Kyiv in October 2021.   As part of the exhibition, a...

  • DIONYSUS - NEW DATE! 1st Regional workshop to facilitate cross-border/cross Black Sea Services
    - 30-11-2021
    NEW DATE! 1st Regional workshop to facilitate cross-border/cross Black Sea Services

    1st Regional workshop to facilitate cross-border/cross Black Sea Services is postponed for 8th of December 2021! The workshop will analyze the existing transport infrastructure together with the status-quo of the on-going and planned...

  • DIONYSUS - SAVE THE DATE! Workshop on "Ports & Agricultural Products Traffic in the Lower Danube Region Countries"
    - 30-11-2021
    SAVE THE DATE! Workshop on "Ports & Agricultural Products Traffic in the Lower Danube Region Countries"

    PGA, together with the HFIP and PAV organize workshop on "Ports & Agricultural Products Traffic in the Lower Danube Region Countries". The workshop will focus on the present and future traffic flows, the throughputs of agricultural products in...

  • DIONYSUS - POSTPONED! River Cruise Industry in the DR - Past, Present & Future
    - 30-11-2021
    POSTPONED! River Cruise Industry in the DR - Past, Present & Future

    Planned 1st Regional Stakeholder Workshop: River Cruise Industry in the Danube Region - Past, Present & Future (Upper Danube) is postponed for the first quarter of 2022. Updated information about the event will be available in the beginning of...

  • DIONYSUS - Workshop on Opportunities & Requirements for the Digitalisation of Inland Waterway Transport
    - 05-11-2021
    Workshop on Opportunities & Requirements for the Digitalisation of Inland Waterway Transport

    On 23rd November from 13:30h until 16:30h the event entitled “Workshop on Opportunities & Requirements for the Digitalisation of Inland Waterway Transport” will take place online, back-to-back with the Dionysus Danube Ports Day event. The...

  • DIONYSUS - 1st workshop to facilitate cross-border/cross Black Sea Services
    - 29-10-2021
    1st workshop to facilitate cross-border/cross Black Sea Services

    1st Regional workshop to facilitate cross-border/cross Black Sea Services will be held online on 24 November 2021.   The event aims to identify the possibilities and opportunities to build up new transport links among the Danube corridors and...

  • DIONYSUS - River Cruise Industry in the DR -Past, Present & Future
    - 28-10-2021
    River Cruise Industry in the DR -Past, Present & Future

     1st Regional Stakeholder Workshop: River Cruise Industry in the Danube Region - Past, Present & Future (Upper Danube) will be held online on 3rd of December 2021. The event will be organized by the Public Ports JSC within WPT3 – Integrated...

  • DIONYSUS - Save the date! Container Liner Services 2021
    - 26-10-2021
    Save the date! Container Liner Services 2021

    The 2nd Workshop on Container Liner Services (Output T1.4) will be held online on 7th of December 2021. The event will be organized by the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering within WPT1 – Transport Corridors &...

  • DIONYSUS - Danube Ports Day 2021
    - 12-10-2021
    Danube Ports Day 2021

    Rolled out in the framework of the DIONYSUS project, the Danube Ports Day annual events are meant to continue the well-established practice in the DAPHNE project by holding events dedicated to port affairs providing insights into the policy...

  • DIONYSUS - A succesful first year review
    - 23-09-2021
    A succesful first year review

    On September 16th, more than 40 representatives of DIONYSUS partner organisations met online for the First Year Review on the implementation of the project. The consortium together with the MA/JS DTP Project officer, Mr. Horst Schindler,...

  • DIONYSUS - FYR Meeting and 3rd COM and WP & Activity Leaders Meetings
    - 31-08-2021
    FYR Meeting and 3rd COM and WP & Activity Leaders Meetings

    The First Year Review Meeting together with the 3rd Consortium Meeting, SCOM Meeting and Work Package & Activity Leaders Meeting of the DIONYSUS project take place on 16 September 2021 as online events organised and hosted by Ennshafen OÖ GmbH....

  • DIONYSUS - project partner Port Bulmarket is gradually transforming Ruse into a multimodal logistics hub
    - 29-06-2021
    project partner Port Bulmarket is gradually transforming Ruse into a multimodal logistics hub

    The transformation of Ruse into a logistics hub, which combines different modes of transport, becomes more clearly outlined. The city is the biggest port, economic and cultural centre along the Bulgarian part of the Danube. it is located on...

  • DIONYSUS - Annual consultations of the Port Governance Agency
    - 29-06-2021
    Annual consultations of the Port Governance Agency

    The Dionysus project Port Governance Agency has held the sixth regular annual consultations on April 27 with the groups for ports and harbors and inland shipping of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia. The meeting, which was held...

  • DIONYSUS - DIONYSUS project partner the Maritime Ports Administration Constanta continues to successfully promote the development of the Danube inland waterway transport
    - 29-06-2021
    DIONYSUS project partner the Maritime Ports Administration Constanta continues to successfully promote the development of the Danube inland waterway transport

    During the last six months MPAC continued its work on promoting the development of the Danube inland waterway transport, as several milestones have been achieved in this regard. Following the 1st Workshop on Container Liner Services,...

  • DIONYSUS - DIONYSUS represented at the Rhine-Danube Corridor Meetings
    - 29-06-2021
    DIONYSUS represented at the Rhine-Danube Corridor Meetings

    Pro Danube participated at the 13th Working Group Meeting of the Rhine-Danube Corridor on Ports and Inland Waterways. With Pro Danube being actively involved in the DIONYSUS project, which core objective is to address the main regional challenges...

  • DIONYSUS - DPN brings in a new website as key communication, information, and knowledge-transfer platform
    - 29-06-2021
    DPN brings in a new website as key communication, information, and knowledge-transfer platform

    Emphasizing the importance of sharing  information and transferring knowledge to keep the Danube ports at the forefront of global innovation, the extension of the DPN website (www.danubeports.eu) with two key functionalities, namely  – the...

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)