DIONYSUS Integrating Danube Region into Smart & Sustainable Multi-modal & Intermodal Transport Chains

Name Type Email Country
Pro Danube Romania - Association for the promotion of transports on the Danube Lead partner pdr.office.2020@gmail.com Romania
Ennshafen Port ERDF partner w.auer@ennshafen.at Austria
iC consulenten Ziviltechniker GesmbH ERDF partner p.woetzinger@ic-group.org Austria
Wieser Consult Ltd ERDF partner office@wieserconsult.com Austria
Pro Danube Management GmbH ERDF partner rafael@prodanube.eu Austria
Public Ports JSC ERDF partner igor.barna@vpas.sk Slovakia
Hungarian Federation of Danube Ports ERDF partner popeiproject@gmail.com Hungary
Public Institution Port Authority Vukovar ERDF partner iva.horvat@luv.hr Croatia
Ministry of Transport, Infrastructure, and Communications ERDF partner cristian.dobritoiu@mt.ro Romania
National Company Maritime Ports Administration SA Constanta ERDF partner cdima@constantza-port.ro Romania
Romanian River Ship Owners and Port Operators Association ERDF partner aserbancucu@gmail.com Romania
Bulgarian – Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry ERDF partner e.ivanova@brcci.eu Bulgaria
PORT BULMARKET EAD ERDF partner petar.cankov@bulmarket.bg Bulgaria
Port Governance Agency IPA partner srdja.ljesevic@aul.gov.rs Serbia
University of Belgrade – Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering IPA partner v.maras@sf.bg.ac.rs Serbia
Technical University of Moldova ENI-MD partner victor.ceban@tran.utm.md Moldova
Odessa National Maritime University ENI-UA partner m.doubrovsky@gmail.com Ukraine
State enterprise “Ukrainian sea ports authority” ENI-UA partner Virginia.Oganesian@uspa.gov.ua Ukraine
Port of Vienna Associated partner rojko@hafenwien.com Austria
University of Zilina Associated partner martin.jurkovic@fpedas.uniza.sk Slovakia
Danube Cruises Romania SRL Associated partner radu.comanici@cruise-services.com Romania
Ministry for Innovation and Technology Associated partner zsolt.gerencser@itm.gov.hu Hungary
Ministry of Sea, Transport and Infrastructure Associated partner marijana.cindric@mmpi.hr Croatia
International Sava River Basin Commission Associated partner zmilkovic@savacommission.org Croatia
Danube Logistics SRL Associated partner m.vtucher@danlog.md Moldova
National Company The Administration of River Ports on the Danube J.S.Co Giurgiu Associated partner proiecte@apdf.ro Romania

The Danube Transnational Programme is committed to respect and protect the privacy of personal data collected and displayed in this website. We will never communicate personal data to third parties if not for information and dissemination purposes strictly related to the programme and its projects. The DTP is not responsible for the misuse of this data which third parties may do. The DTP will eliminate immediately any personal data displayed in its website if requested by the interested party.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)