DIONYSUS Integrating Danube Region into Smart & Sustainable Multi-modal & Intermodal Transport Chains

Project deliverables

Here you can find some of the most important deliverables of the DIONYSUS project, sorted by topic.
Further documents (project outputs) can be found in the Library.

WP T1: Transport Corridors & IWT Markets
Activity T1.1: Transport Corridors (Status of Planning & Gap Analysis)

D_T1.1.1 Report on the selected Core & Comprehensive Network Sections and Nodes of the transport corridors on the Danube Region

Output T1.2_Fairway Maintenance Impact Calculation Tool

Output T1.3_IWT Market Observatory

Output T1.3_IWT Market Observatory_Annex

Output T1.4_Workshops_Container Liner Services

Output T1.6_Awareness & Promotion Strategy for Danube Transportation

WP T2: Danube Inland & Sea Ports Analysis & Recommendations
Activity T2.4: Danube Port Digitization (Strategy & Action Plan)

D_T2.4.2 Yearly Activity Report on Digitalisation Initiatives

WP T3: Integrated Port Development
Output O.T3.1 National Recommendations and Consolidated Strategy Plan

Activity T3.3: Project Capitalisation Through Danube Ports Network
D_T3.3.1 Capitalisation Factsheet 2020
D_T3.3.1.Yearly Activity Report 2020

Output T3.3_Strategy & Recommendations_Optimising IWT of DR Agri Products

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)