DIONYSUS - Workshop on Opportunities & Requirements for the Digitalisation of Inland Waterway Transport


On 23rd November from 13:30h until 16:30h the event entitled “Workshop on Opportunities & Requirements for the Digitalisation of Inland Waterway Transport” will take place online, back-to-back with the Dionysus Danube Ports Day event.

The workshop is a joint initiative of the European projects Platina 3Masterplan DIWARIS COMEX and DIONYSUS and the sector organisations Pro Danube Management, EICB and the IWT Platform. The workshop focuses on how digital transformation can support business activities and reporting formalities in the upcoming years. Furthermore, it will collect valuable inputs regarding further requirements on synchromodality, ICT infrastructure, River Information Services and Smart Shipping, data sharing & integration, cybersecurity and compliance.

For details and registration please refer to: https://platina3.eu/digital/ 

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)