DanubePeerChains Integrated capacity building and training programme for DANUBE area labour and business support organisations, local industry and entrepreneurs to enter innovative transnational value CHAINS as PEER-level collaboration partners

  • DanubePeerChains - New Project-Video
    - 06-04-2021
    New Project-Video

    Our new DanubePeerChains project-video is online! >> Project-video  

  • DanubePeerChains - Press Release DanubePeerChains
    - 02-04-2021
    Press Release DanubePeerChains

    Dear Readers! In this edition of the Press release we will present you a set of eight documents created by a partner consortium, focused on the market characteristics of the Danube region. >> Press release Nr. 2

  • DanubePeerChains - Watch now - the new project video
    - 29-03-2021
    Watch now -  the new project video

    Don´t miss it - watch our new project-video! >> Video DanubePeerChains 

  • DanubePeerChains - Our new project-video is ready - have a look at it right now!
    - 08-03-2021
    Our new project-video is ready - have a look at it right now!

    Our new project-video is ready - have a look at it right now  >> Project-Video 

  • DanubePeerChains - The new project-video of DanubePeerChains
    - 10-12-2020
    The new project-video of DanubePeerChains

    >> the new project video of DanubePeerChains

  • DanubePeerChains - Welcome to the 1st DanubePeerChains newsletter!
    - 30-11-2020
    Welcome to the 1st DanubePeerChains newsletter!

    Visit the >> link and get to know what we have achieved so far!

  • DanubePeerChains - DanubePeerChains – Project leaflet
    - 09-11-2020
    DanubePeerChains – Project leaflet

    Dear readers,   welcome to the leaflet of the DanubePeerChains project in which you will find the key information about the project and an overview of specific projects activities, as well as information about project partners and social...

  • DanubePeerChains - More than 50 participants took part at the kick off conference
    - 30-10-2020
    More than 50 participants took part at the kick off conference

    The online kick-off event of the DanubePeerChains project „Leap into Digital Value Chains“ was held on 27th October. During the kick-off event tremendous impact of the project activites on the Danube countries, in particular on regional labour...

  • DanubePeerChains - INVITATION to the DanubePeerChains online kick-off event „Leap into Digital Value Chains“
    - 13-10-2020
    INVITATION to the DanubePeerChains online kick-off event „Leap into Digital Value Chains“

    Take part in the DanubePeerChains online kick-off event "Leap into Digital Value Chains". The conference will be take place on the 27th of october 2020 09:00 am - 01:00 pm. The conference is organised under the coordination of the Chamber of...

  • DanubePeerChains - Press release
    - 07-10-2020
    Press release

    Dear readers, Welcome to the DanubePeerChains Press release! In this edition of the Press release you will find general information about the project DanubePeerChains in order to introduce the mentioned project to the public, and to inform...

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)