DanubePeerChains Integrated capacity building and training programme for DANUBE area labour and business support organisations, local industry and entrepreneurs to enter innovative transnational value CHAINS as PEER-level collaboration partners

Name Type Email Country
Business Upper Austria Lead partner eva.breuer@biz-up.at Austria
Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia ERDF partner zeljka.kelkedi@gzs.si Slovenia
ConPlusUltra ERDF partner brigitte.hatvan@conplusultra.com Austria
National Scientific Research Institute for Labour and Social Protection ERDF partner militaru@incsmps.ro Romania
Romanian Cluster Association ERDF partner contact@clustero.eu Romania
Cluster Mechatronics & Automation ERDF partner heiko.bartschat@cluster-ma.de Germany
School center Škofja Loka ERDF partner alojzij.kokalj@scsl.si Slovenia
Zagreb Innovation Centre Ltd. ERDF partner marko.helfrih@zicer.hr Croatia
Pannon Business Network Association ERDF partner zsofia.kocsis@pbn.hu Hungary
R-Tech GmbH ERDF partner claudia.hofmann@techbase.de Germany
Innovation and Enterpreneurship Center Tehnopolis IPA partner aleksandar.tehnopolis@gmail.com Montenegro
University of Belgrade IPA partner nedeljko.milosavljevic@rect.bg.ac.rs Serbia
Foundation for Innovation, Technology and Knowledge Transfer IPA partner z.grgic@f4itt.org Bosnia & Herzegovina
Montenegro Ministry of Economy IPA partner ivana.zecevic@mek.gov.me Montenegro
Croatian Employment Service – Regional Office Zagreb Associated partner marija.halic@hzz.hr Croatia
Ministry of Health, Labour and Social Protection - Employment policy and regulation of migration department Associated partner anna.gherganova@msmps.gov.md Moldova
Moldovan Technology Transfer Network Associated partner moraruvtl@gmail.com Moldova
Chamber of Economy of Montenegro Associated partner tradusinovic@pkcg.org Montenegro
Institute for Work Research and Work Policy at Johannes Kepler University Linz Associated partner office@arbeitsforschung.at Austria

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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)