DanubePeerChains Integrated capacity building and training programme for DANUBE area labour and business support organisations, local industry and entrepreneurs to enter innovative transnational value CHAINS as PEER-level collaboration partners

Digital transformation disrupts traditional value chains! This particularly concerns Danube region countries with their diversified regional economies and strong position in typical production sectors, which are still focused on unidirectional client-supplier relations. At the same time, there is an emerging need for experts in innovative fields as engineering, ICT, automation and robotics, which need to be upskilled for the new value chains.
The MAIN OBJECTIVE of DanubePeerChains, therefore, is to empower Labour market Support Organizations (LSO) and Business Support Organizations (BSO) together with their target groups and further local high-potentials (entrepreneurs, SME employees, digitalisation specialists) in a joint capacity building and training approach to upskill to high-qualified jobs in the Danube region and to gain sustainable recognition as PEER-level collaboration partners in innovative transnational value chains.
The partnership comprises 14 partners from 9 Danube countries (6 ERDF, 3 IPA) and 5 ASPs (+ENI) in a well-balanced mix of business and labour support organizations, tech.transfer centers, vocational/educational institutions and policy actors. Knowledge will be CAPITALIZED from DanuBioValNet, SmartFactoryHub, DigiTrans (all DTP), InnoPeer AVM (Interreg CE) and S3-4AlpClusters (Alpine Space) and UPGRADED with VALUE CHAIN aspects 1) to identify high-potential cooperation fields in digitalized value chains for project target sectors (metal industry, machine building, engineering, electro industry, electronics/robotics, ICT), 2) to introduce this innovative approach in collaborative capacity building measures for LSOs/BSOs, and 3) to upgrade existing technological and business model oriented trainings by integrating the value chain perspective and adapting them for the qualification demand of Danube area target groups.Regional Action Plans and Strategic Recommendations provide contributions to EUSDR PA8, PA9 and national S3 strategies.

Integrated capacity building and training programme for DANUBE area labour and business support organisations, local industry and entrepreneurs to enter innovative transnational value CHAINS as PEER-level collaboration partners
Start date
End date
Budget in Euro
Overall: 1784455
ERDF Contribution: 1162846.3
IPA Contribution: 353940.42
ENI Contribution: 0
Call number
Call 3
Innovative and socially responsible Danube region
Specific objective
Increase competences for business and social innovation

Project Partners

Name Type Email Country
Business Upper Austria Lead partner eva.breuer@biz-up.at Austria
Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia ERDF partner zeljka.kelkedi@gzs.si Slovenia
ConPlusUltra ERDF partner brigitte.hatvan@conplusultra.com Austria
National Scientific Research Institute for Labour and Social Protection ERDF partner militaru@incsmps.ro Romania
Romanian Cluster Association ERDF partner contact@clustero.eu Romania
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Project News

  • DanubePeerChains - DanubePeerChains - Final Conference in Lasi - Romania
    - 14-12-2022
    DanubePeerChains - Final Conference in Lasi - Romania

    The final conference of the DanubePeerChains project was held in Iasi, Romania, in the frame of the Sustainability Forum organized by the Department for Sustainable Development of the Romanian Government, CLUSTERO, and other regional and national...

  • DanubePeerChains - DanubePeerChains Final Conference in course of the SEE Sustainibility Forum 18-19. October 2022
    - 17-10-2022
    DanubePeerChains Final Conference in course of the SEE Sustainibility Forum 18-19. October 2022

    The Sustainibility Forum represents an excellent opportunity for shared experience between several international cooperation projects. The final conference of the DTP DanubePeerChains will take place in the frame of the conference, organized in...

  • DanubePeerChains - Digital marketing approaches for the wood value chain and best practices!
    - 16-10-2022
    Digital marketing approaches for the wood value chain and best practices!

    Digital transformation disrupts traditional value chains – especially for the wood sector.   You are a small or medium-sized company in the wood sector and would like to know more about digital marketing? Or do you already use digital...

    - 07-10-2022

    DanubePeerChains project partners created a Digital transformation training courses, an online training program which brings together learning, growth, skills, and capabilities. This online training program is the compass to simplify the...

  • DanubePeerChains - Workshop-Video: Enhancing competitiveness through transnational value chains
    - 12-07-2022
    Workshop-Video: Enhancing competitiveness through transnational value chains

    Watch our new workshop-video: Enhancing competitiveness through transnational value chains. Speaker: Stephanie Trpkov, Executive Director, Intech Ventures Ltd. >> VIDEO 

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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)