DA-SPACE Open Innovation to Raise Entrepreneurship Skills and Public Private Partnership in Danube Region

Name Type Email Country
City of Ulm Lead partner s.richter@ulm.de Germany
bwcon ERDF partner grillea@bwcon.de Germany
Association for Promoting Electronic Technology - Electronic Innovation Cluster ERDF partner bogdan.mihailescu@apte.org.ro Romania
"Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati ERDF partner florin.popescu@ugal.ro Romania
Institute of Management, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava ERDF partner marian.zajko@stuba.sk Slovakia
GIS Transfer Center Foundation ERDF partner inventa@einet.bg Bulgaria
Technical University of Sofia ERDF partner lubomir_dimitrov@tu-sofia.bg Bulgaria
Czech Technical University in Prague ERDF partner ivo.stancek@cvut.cz Czech Republic
Region of Istria ERDF partner masa.mihelic@istra-istria.hr Croatia
Juraj Dobrila University of Pula ERDF partner sanja.radolovic@unipu.hr Croatia
University of Novi Sad IPA partner mladenr@uns.ac.rs Serbia
Vojvodina ICT Cluster IPA partner milan.solaja@vojvodinaictcluster.org Serbia
Provincial Secretariat for Economy, Employment and Gender Equality, Government of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina Associated partner mirjana.kranjac@vojvodina.gov.rs Serbia
Ministry of Education and Science Associated partner z.karova@mon.bg Bulgaria
Research and Arts Zone of the University of Maribor Associated partner emilija.stojmenova@demola.net Slovenia
Danube Office Ulm /Neu-Ulm Associated partner s.rihm@donaubuero.de Germany
City of Galati Associated partner petrenmarian@yahoo.com Romania
Slovak Innovation and Energy Agency Associated partner miroslav.balog@siea.gov.sk Slovakia
Budapest University of Technology and Economic Associated partner bacsa@ik.bme.hu Hungary
Slovak Scientific and Technical Information Centre Associated partner anna.janusova@cvtisr.sk Slovakia

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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)