ConnectGREEN Restoring and managing ecological corridors in mountains as the green infrastructure in the Danube basin

Filename Date of upload
Output 5.4 Knowledge Transfer Conference for PA Professionals 20-01-2022 16:15:42
Output 5.4 Knowledge Transfer Conference for PA Professionals_Report 20-01-2022 16:16:24
Output 5.3 E-learning Training Course on Eco-corridors 20-01-2022 16:12:18
Output 5.3 E-learning Training Course on Eco-corridors_Report 20-01-2022 16:13:15
Output 5.2 Multi-sectoral Meetings and/ or Fora 20-01-2022 16:10:32
Output 5.2 Multi-sectoral Meetings and/ or Fora_Report 20-01-2022 16:11:09
Output 4.3 Innovative Decision Support Tool 20-01-2022 16:08:34
Output 4.3 Innovative Decision Support Tool_Report 20-01-2022 16:09:10
Output 4.1 Ecological Corridors Database for each Pilot Area 20-01-2022 16:04:33
Output 3.3 Ecological Corridors Database within CCIBIS 20-01-2022 16:00:51
Output 3.3 Ecological Corridors Database within CCIBIS_Report 20-01-2022 16:03:20
Output 5.5 Transferability Study and Strategy for Best Practices 15-11-2021 10:41:53
A Look Back - Brochure on Project Results in English 02-11-2021 17:33:28
A Look Back - Brochure on Project Results in Czech 02-11-2021 17:34:56
A Look Back - Brochure on Project Results in Romanian 02-11-2021 17:36:25
A Look Back - Brochure on Project Results in Serbian 09-11-2021 17:45:21
D.3.3.4 Set of Recommendations Developed Together with Spatial Planners to Avoid/Minimise Fragmentation of Ecological Corridors and Natura 2000 Sites EN 15-10-2021 17:40:13
D.3.3.1 State of the Art Report 02-11-2021 17:43:04
D.3.3.3 Summary Report on Best Practices 02-11-2021 18:05:32
D.3.3.2 Gap Analysis on the Needs for Improving the Planning Processes and Tools Related to Ecological Corridors Identification and Preservation 09-11-2021 10:47:54
Output 3.2 Guidelines on how to use spatial planning tools in integrative management of ecological corridors EN 17-09-2021 10:33:50
Output 3.2 Guidelines how to use spatial ... Romanian version 09-12-2021 12:50:29
Output 3.1 Methodology for identification of ecological corridors 30-08-2021 11:28:01
Output 3.1 Methodology for identification of ecological corridors in Serbian 05-10-2021 15:18:10
Output 3.1 Methodology for identification of ecological corridors in Romanian 20-10-2021 17:23:16
Output 3.1 Methodology for identification of ecological corridors in Slovak 22-10-2021 10:18:57
Output 5.1 International Action Plan on Conservation of Large Carnivores and Ensuring Ecological Connectivity in the Carpathians 26-04-2021 17:20:07
Output 5.1 International Action Plan on Conservation of Large Carnivores and Ensuring Ecological Connectivity in the Carpathians_Romanian 06-09-2021 10:38:46
Output 5.1 International Action Plan on Conservation of Large Carnivores and Ensuring Ecological Connectivity in the Carpathians_Slovak 22-10-2021 10:04:06
Ad 5.1 Guidelines for Implementing the International Action Plan 09-11-2021 10:53:38

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)