Programme and project news and events

  • DAREFFORT - 5th Periodic Meeting – Still Online Only
    - 05-10-2020
    5th Periodic Meeting – Still Online Only

    As the pandemic situation is still not behind us – actually squeezing now Central-Eastern European Countries stronger than during the first phase – Dareffort events  and conferences can not be hold as planned. Originally the 5th Periodic...

  • DAREFFORT - Software Development Spins Up in Period 5
    - 05-10-2020
    Software Development Spins Up in Period 5

    According to the original plans, a forecasting system that is based on the cooperation between the Danube Basin countries is one of the main objective of DAREFFORT project. DAREFFORT ENVIRONET is going to be a free software, open sourced...

  • DAREFFORT - Work Package 3 Members Prepare Common Vision Within the DAREFFORT Project
    - 05-10-2020
    Work Package 3 Members Prepare Common Vision Within the DAREFFORT Project

    Members of the 3rd Work Package of DAREFFORT, from the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering, and from the German Steinbeis Angewandte Systemanalyse GmbH have prepared their research paper including all the...

  • Citizens' Summary - Annual Implementation Report 2019
    - 06-10-2020
    Citizens' Summary - Annual Implementation Report 2019

    Let's have a short look back at the Danube Transnational Programme (DTP) in 2019. Just like the years before, DTP helped support diverse projects in four main priority categories and aimed to improve everyday lives of our beloved...

  • Finance4SocialChange - Hungarian semifinalists selected for F4SC Business Plan Competition
    - 02-10-2020
    Hungarian semifinalists selected for F4SC Business Plan Competition

    Development Nonprofit Kft., Utcáról Lakásba! Egyesület, and the Street to Apartment Association from Hungary are the last three social enterprises that have qualified for the semifinals of the F4SC Business Plan Competition, scheduled for the end...

  • lifelineMDD - successful online kick-off
    - 02-10-2020
    successful online kick-off

    Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, Hungary, Serbia- With an online kick-off event on the 7th of July the lifelineMDD project was officially launched. For the next 2.5 years, 12 project partners with the support of 17 associated partners from different...

  • Danube Cycle Plans - Danube Cycle Plans: Kick-off konference opened the discussion
    - 02-10-2020
    Danube Cycle Plans: Kick-off konference opened the discussion

    On September 28, 2020, a kick-off conference was held for the Danube Cycle Plans project, with more than 40 connected participants from ten European countries. The conference was focused on how to raise awareness for cycling as an important mode...

  • ConnectGREEN - EU Green Week webinar on transnational aims to protect Carpathian biodiversity
    - 01-10-2020
    EU Green Week webinar on transnational aims to protect Carpathian biodiversity

    The aim of the EU Green Week is to highlight the contribution that biodiversity makes to society and the economy and the role it can play in supporting and stimulating recovery in a post-COVID 19 world. On the 25th of September 2020, the project...

  • EcoVeloTour - Conference about cycling at Marinaforum Regensburg
    - 01-10-2020
    Conference about cycling at Marinaforum Regensburg

    Network „sustainable-cycle-tourism“ in Eastern Bavaria Strategies for sustainable cycle tourism are the focus of a network meeting of 70 East Bavarian tourism experts, local politicians and service providers. Designed as a transnational...

  • CSSC LAB - CSSC Lab: A new INTERREG initiative demonstrating the importance of Sector Coupling and Energy Storage
    - 01-10-2020
    CSSC Lab: A new INTERREG initiative demonstrating the importance of Sector Coupling and Energy Storage

    The European Union has ambitious plans to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.  This begs for the testing and adoption of innovative solutions for energy production, consumption, management and storage. CSSC Lab – a new INTERREG project launched in...

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)