DAREFFORT - Work Package 3 Members Prepare Common Vision Within the DAREFFORT Project


Members of the 3rd Work Package of DAREFFORT, from the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering, and from the German Steinbeis Angewandte Systemanalyse GmbH have prepared their research paper including all the suggestions related to synchronise partners‘ meteorological, hydrological, flood and ice forecast activities.

The main aim of the DAREFFORT (Danube River Basin Enhanced Flood Forecasting Cooperation) project is to give a comprehensive overview about the complex national flood and ice forecasting systems and to eliminate the shortcomings of the existing forecasting practices as well as to improve the exchange and availability of hydrological and meteorological data between the participating countries with establishment of the Danube Hydrological Information System (Danube HIS).

Until the end of October, the research paper will be finalized and approved, including and listing all recommendations for improvement of the flood and ice forecasting systems, identifying gaps and bottlenecks, as well as the Report on elaboration of the forecasting conditions.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)