Programme and project news and events

  • Danube Cycle Plans - Slovakia is planning massive investments in bicycle transport; European subsidies will help.
    - 17-02-2021
    Slovakia is planning massive investments in bicycle transport; European subsidies will help.

    Slovak Minister of Transport Andrej Dolezal announced that the Slovak National Recovery Plan envisages 600 million euros for the modernization of railway infrastructure, 100 million euros for the support of bicycle transport and 50 million euros...

  • STRIDE - Preparation and Research for Reports by Bay Zoltan LTD
    - 17-02-2021
    Preparation and Research for Reports by Bay Zoltan LTD

    The Hungarian STRIDE partners at Bay Zoltan LTD have started the preparation of the first two reports of the project with an international desktop study. The most interesting research conducted so far was in relation to the so-called ''duck...

  • STRIDE - Energy Storage and Sector Coupling Solutions in Austria
    - 17-02-2021
    Energy Storage and Sector Coupling Solutions in Austria

    The Austrian demo site showcasing a range of energy storage and sector coupling solutions will be launched this summer in the municipality of Stegersbach. Serving as a large competence centre for renewable energy, the demo lab will make it...

  • STRIDE - STRIDE Project Animation is Underway
    - 17-02-2021
    STRIDE Project Animation is Underway

    The Communication Manager, EIfI-Tech, is currently overseeing the development of an animated project video, which shall provide a general project overview and a walkthrough of why the STRIDE project is needed and how it will have a lasting...

  • InnoSchool - The Final InnoSchool Competition in Bulgaria
    - 17-02-2021
    The Final InnoSchool Competition in Bulgaria

    A bouquet of diverse, colorful, and very heartfelt youth social business ideas, that was the InnoSchool Final Competition in Bulgaria, which took place on February 12th, organized by Business Incubator – Gotse Delchev. 18 teams and over 60...

  • DanubeChance2.0 - 3rd Policy Learning Dialogue & Transnational Community Building Workshop
    - 17-02-2021
    3rd Policy Learning Dialogue & Transnational Community Building Workshop

      The partnership of DanubChance 2.0 would like to invite you to the following events:   3rd Policy Learning Dialogue on 18 March 2021- “Second-chance entrepreneurship policies and tools applied in Danube Region” Transnational...

  • CD SKILLS - More than 300 participants attended “Celiac disease – management perspectives in 2021” and “2nd Steering Committee Meeting” meeting organised by CD SKILLS consortium
    - 16-02-2021
    More than 300 participants attended “Celiac disease – management perspectives in 2021” and “2nd Steering Committee Meeting” meeting organised by CD SKILLS consortium

    Members of the CD SKILLS consortium organised a second Steering Committee Meeting on February 15th. Work package leaders together with individual partners presented project achievements of the first period, and plans for the second period. Final...

  • DanuP-2-Gas - Invitation: Second Project Meeting
    - 16-02-2021
    Invitation: Second Project Meeting

    Every six months, DanuP-2-Gas project partners, associated strategic partners and interested external stakeholders come together to discuss the project progress and future steps, to network and look for synergies and to jointly provide valuable...

  • DanuP-2-Gas - Call for Feedback
    - 16-02-2021
    Call for Feedback

    The aim of DanuP-2-Gas is to elaborate an interactive platform for stakeholders to find optimal locations for the installation of biomass conversion plants regarding available biomass resources, infrastructure and legal framework, and to find...

  • ConnectGREEN - Which animals are using Slovakia's green bridges?
    - 16-02-2021
    Which animals are using Slovakia's green bridges?

    At the end of last year, the Slovak National Motorway Company (NDS) launched a public tender for the construction of a green bridge in Svrčinovec, Kysuce. It will be the fourth ecoduct built by the NDS in Slovakia. Where are the others and which...

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)