DanubeChance2.0 - 3rd Policy Learning Dialogue & Transnational Community Building Workshop



The partnership of DanubChance 2.0 would like to invite you to the following events:


3rd Policy Learning Dialogue on 18 March 2021-Second-chance entrepreneurship policies and tools applied in Danube Region”

Transnational Community Building Workshop on 19th March 2021- “Building a network of mentors for Second-chance Entrepreneurship”.


What is the main aim of the Policy Learning Dialogue Workshops?
Policy Learning Dialogue Workshops are key policy learning interactions between local, regional, national policymakers, government agencies, EUSDR Steering Group members. In the frame of the workshops, participants will gain insight into addressing common barriers of the wider application of second-chance entrepreneurship in the Danube Region.  Workshops will train policymakers on good practices, mainstream financial instruments, legislative endeavors, and the perspective of stakeholders.


What is the purpose of the Transnational Community-building Workshop?
Transnational Community-building Workshop guarantees that lessons learned will be further exploited and integrated into Danube region countries’ policymaking practices. The strategy is built on with the aim of facilitating local, regional, cross-border and transnational uptake of innovative second-chance entrepreneurship policy measures and instruments.


Register in advance for these meeting in the following links:

18 March 2021: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEpdu6oqDMjHNdvfVZiqP-K7obBnjQELyMo

19 March 2021: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEpc--orzkrGtLgNttvyaSvZ0vCzJo8W_zG 


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)