SaveGREEN - EVENT INVITATION November 30th: International seminar from Ukraine (Transnational workshop)


WWF- Ukraine expert team of the SaveGREEN project, invites you to an international online seminar on the SaveGREEN project's experience exchange. Representatives of the scientific community, transport infrastructure construction experts, environmentalists, and students of technical specialities are welcome to participate in the seminar.

The seminar will hold on Wednesday, November 30, 2022, at 11:00 a.m.
(10.00-12.30 CET, 11.00-13.30 EET.)

Join the Zoom Meeting here:

The Ukrainian project experts present:

  • The results of monitoring the transitions of wild animals in Zakarpattia Oblast,
  • EIA procedure (environmental impact assessment) during the construction and reconstruction of roads - legislation analysis,
  • Practical experience in implementing the SaveGREEN international environmental project,
  • WWF-Ukraine's recommendations for post-war restoration of transport infrastructure in Ukraine.

Within the SaveGREEN project, Ukrainian experts developed a standardized methodology for monitoring structural and functional connections. And also tools to monitor the functionality of ecological corridors along linear transport infrastructure; cross-sectoral operational plans for protecting the functionality of ecological corridors (they are already at the implementation stage); the recommendations for integrating measures for the settlement of the ecological corridors issue through the strengthening of inter-sectoral cooperation.


In Ukraine, WWF-Ukraine experts implemented the SaveGREEN project on a pilot territory within the Transcarpathian region.

Read more about the Zakarpattia region and the SaveGREEN pilot site here.


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)