SABRINA - Project newsletter no. 4 is now available


Good vibes and bikes will get you anywhere.

The year 2022 represents the final year of the SABRINA project implementation. Good vibes are felt in the project team, especially since we finally met for the first time in person during our Steering Committee meeting in Hungary. Bicycles did take us around quite a bit in the past six months: from completing safety inspections of EuroVelo routes in eight project partners countries, celebrating different events, and cycling on the EuroVelo 9 from Vienna to Ljubljana and arriving at the Velo-city conference where SABRINA project was presented. Check out our activities in some selected news in Newsletter no. 4, which was sent out to our subscribers yesterday and is now available also on the webpage. For more information follow us on social media (Twitter and Facebook) or visit the News section on the webpage.  

Enjoy the summer months and hopefully, you will spend as much time as possible on your bicycle. Stay safe and remember: SABRINA will make sure there will be no fears about safety on two wheels!


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)