New call for proposals: €6 million to finance ENI projects in Moldova and Ukraine


The objective of the call is to increase the institutional capacity of the Ukrainian/ Moldovan stakeholders to develop and implement transnational projects in the thematic fields of the Danube Programme 2021-2027 through enhanced cooperation of relevant stakeholders at national, regional and local levels.

This is a pre-announcement of the new call for proposals with focus on Specific Objective 4.1 Improve institutional capacities to tackle major societal challenges. With regards to the upcoming new programming period, the Monitoring Committee has decided to provide support to Moldova and Ukraine with their efforts to strengthen further their capacity for developing and implementing transnational projects, enabling them to make use of relevant funds available in Danube Region in 2021-2027. In this context, projects are expected to be developed around one of the following main activities:

  • Raise awareness on transnational cooperation and its benefits in the ENI countries.
  • Set up policy dialogue in thematic fields which represent a major challenge for the region as defined in the Danube Programme 2021-2027.
  • Support capacity building for the Ukraine and Moldova national/ regional/ local public authorities.

The maximum ERDF budget is roughly €1.4 mil. For each project a maximum of €230.000 ERDF funds can be claimed. ENI budget is maximum: €2.33 mil for Republic of Moldova and €2.48 mil for Ukraine. There is no maximum budget to be claimed by the MD or UA partners, but the amount has to be justified by the activities proposed.

Both state and non-state actors, can apply in this call. Project partnerships shall be composed of 2 project partners at minimum, with minimum one partner from Moldova or Ukraine, depending which country is addressed by the project, and the Lead Partner, from the following EU Member States participating in the Programme: Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany - Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria-, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia. Additionally the partnership can involve up to 2 ERDF and 4 ENI project partners coming from the UA or MD, depending which country is addressed by the project (3 ERDF and 5 ENI PPs can be involved in total).

Interested organisations are invited to consult the application form and details of the ENI scheme framework. This call will be officially launched in January 2022. Project proposals shall be submitted through the eMS (electronic system of the Programme). Further details about the organisation of online information seminars and consultations with potential applicants will be announced on this website in January after official launch of the call. 


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)