ResInfra@DR - Final project event reflecting on “Perspectives for Research Infrastructures in the Danube Macro-region” - review


Considering the current developments and institutional changes in the Danube macro-region the question regarding the role of research infrastructure/s as a backbone of excellent research gains increasing attention: The ResInfra@DR Synergy meeting took place in Vienna on 12-13 June 2019 and aimed to provoke and facilitate exchange among interested research infrastructure actors in the Danube macro-region. The ResInfra@DR Synergy meeting offered a closer look at the achievements and challenges of the past 30 months of the project. Moreover, the meeting facilitated the further uptake of results by the countries and research organisations and reveals possible synergies with current initiatives. Dialogue sessions allowed mutual exchange among the participants on practical challenges and individually developed solutions. Beyond that, the event briefed about current developments in relation to research infrastructure and options to contribute to a macro-regional action plan for the Danube region focusing on the topic.

At the beginning of the event Resinfra@DR project coordinator Felix Martin Gajdusek (ZSI) summarized the background and purpose of the ResInfra@DR Synergy Meeting: “Currently the policy importance is still increasing, research infrastructure is high on the agenda for the EU and the European commission including tax exemption for RIs in the ERICs, also the cross European coordination with ESFRI and its roadmaps, the last in 2018, has changed the game substantially. Still, core challenges include not only financing but concern access policies and models, the role of RIs for competitiveness, the adaptation of RI funding in national and regional funding measures but likewise the role of universities and better internal coordination of activities beyond higher education tasks.”

In the first day achievements of ResInfra@DR were reflected togehter with the expert audience including presentations on the “Dialogue in the Danube macro-region” (Attila Havas, CERS-HAS, Hungary), the “Capacity building actions” (Marko Hajdinjak, ARC Fund, Bulgaria) and the “Pilot Support engagements” (Jan Balon, Filosofický ústav Akademie věd České republiky, Czech Republic). The presentations of ResInfra@DR partners were followed by a discussion on “Needs for future joint activities in theDanube macro region” and an interactive session on “Challenges and solutions of research infrastructure in the Danube macro-region: Sharing practical experience” inviting more then 50 expert participants from the Danube macro-region to discuss their experiences within the region. The event closed the first day with another panel on “Future needs in the Danube macro-region” discussing the specific situation of RI funding and non-financial challenges of research infrastructure hosts such as universities, academies, national- or regional research organisations, then the planning of investments and achievements and last but not least the need of specific developments and specific joint actions are needed to bring the Danube macro-region forward.

On day 2 a series of expert presentations started the event adding a focus on “Current projects on research infrastructure in the region and EU wide initiatives” and how-to address them efficiently. The proposal for a “Joint Action Plan in the DR” was presented by ResInfra@DR project coordinator including an interactive group work on the agenda setting, relevance and timing for the implementation. Finally, conclusions on “Pathways for future actions” by ResInfra@DR partners gave an outlook on further steps for research infrastructures in the Danube macro-region beyond project closure.

Learn more about the programme and download the event agenda…
Enjoy some photo impressions from day 1 and day 2 at our ResInfra@DR online photo gallery…
Read some media echo on the project and the event: ResInfra@DR online press corner…
Learn more about the ResInfra@DR project...
Read a short interview with ResInfra@DR project coordinator Felix Gajdusek...

Image source: ResInfra@DR  2019





Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)