RADAR - Road Safety Infrastructure Training courses in Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro


Following successful and very well accepted implementation of RADAR Road Infrastructure Training courses in Slovenia and Croatia, RADAR Project Partners Bulgarian Association for Road Safety and Bosnia and Herzegovina Automobile Club, as well as RADAR Associated Strategic Partners Ministry of Transport and Maritime Affairs,  will organise and held training courses in June this year.

As training courses in Slovenia and Croatia received exceptional responses, attendance beyond every expectation and great interest in making roads safer, the training courses in Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro will undoubtfully reach even greater audience, as well as RADAR project goals and hopefully inspired twice as many people to make a difference. 

RADAR PPs and ASPs will deploy Road Safety Infrastructure Training courses with road authorities, national stakeholders, decision-makers, NGO’s and every other institution having an interest in making roads safer.

The 3-day training courses will be led by Marko Ševrović – European Institution of Road Assessment EuroRAP, Jure Kostanjšek – AMZS, Nikola Galović – Rotondo and Bojan Jovanović – FPZ. The distinguished expert of the leading organisation in the field will provide knowledge, as well as practice, on Star Rating, Risk Mapping and Safer Roads Investment Plans directly from ViDA webtool with the real-life exercises on respective roads.

Interactivity and discussions on relevant road safety issues is proving to be a great formula for raising awareness on latest trends in road safety, which RADAR aims to promote on all levels of the Danube region.

Hope to see you in our next destination for the RADAR Road Safety Infrastructure Training!

More about training courses in Slovenia and Croatia here and here


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)