Linking Danube - LinkingDanube - Exchanging with CHESTNUT, eGUTS and CITYWALK


Within the frame of the LinkingDanube Kick-Off Event on 27th March  there will be a first intensive exchange with other appoved projects of the 1st Call, invited by DTP Programm to form a so called "Thematic Pole". In partcular CHESTNUT, eGUTS CITYWALK and Transdanube.PEARLS will partcipate at the LinkingDanube Kick-Off Event as a first step towards a regular wihin the Thematic Pole, which has dediced already on its common focus "Sustainable Transport Systems and Mobility”. At the meeting the respective projects will try to identify synergies and possible ways of cooperation.  


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)