Linking Danube - (Public) Linking Danube Kick-Off-Event - Developing multimodal, transnational journey planning services


Public LinkingDanube Kick-Off-Event:

Developing multimodal, transnational journey planning services by linking services
as parallel event to ISEP 2017 Symposium

Date and Location

27th March 12:00h-16:30h

ISEP Conference 2017 (
Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre, Dunajska c. 18, 1000 Ljubljana
Hall Urška III  (Entrance near Hall B)

Short description

The project LinkingDanube (Linking transnational, multimodal traveller information and journey planners for environmentally-friendly mobility in the Danube Region) was launched on January 1st 2017, funded by the Danube Transnational Programme (DTP). The project will demonstrate feasibility and functionality of linking traveller information services across the borders, by implementing common and open service interfaces. The integration of transport on demand information will be one of the major core elements, in order to link rural areas to the main transport corridors. The objective is finally to take advantage of the project outputs and results for the whole Danube Region, therefore liaison with EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR) is of high priority. The overall goal is to foster environmentally-friendly mobility in the Danube Region through the provision of transnational, interoperable and multimodal journey planners.


The LinkingDanube event (27th March 2017, 12:00h – 16:30h) will be held in parallel with the ISEP Conference 2017. Insight will be provided into the concept of linking services and the envisaged pilot for a transnational Danube Journey Planner that will be developed in the course of the project.  Together with representatives of the EUSDR, the strategic impact of the project will be outlined in terms of mobility and multimodality in the Danube Region.

Target Group

The event is targeted to private and public operators and authorities directly involved in the organisation of environmentally-friendly transport, but also to innovative mobility service providers and service developers with regard to journey planning and travel information, policy makers and any interested parties.


12:00 – 13:00    Lunch & Registration     

13:00 – 13:15    Opening introduction
                          Dean Herenda,  Slovenian Ministry of Infrastructure and Spatial Planning

13:15 – 13:30    Mobility and multimodality goals in the Danube Region/Relevance of LinkingDanube
                          Franc Zepic, EUSDR PA1b Coordinator
                          Slovenian Ministry of Ministry of Infrastructure and Spatial Planning

13:30 – 13:45   The LinkingDanube project - get involved!
                         Bettina Neuhäuser,  Project Manager, Austriatech GmbH

13:45 – 14:15     Coffee break and networking   

14:15 – 14:35    National multimodal journey planners and linking services
                          Zsolt Stegena, National Mobile Payment Plc

14:35 – 14:55    A to B Ljubljana - possbilities of linking services
                          Matej Gojčič, Regional Development Agency of the Ljubljana Urban Region

14:55 – 15:15    The transnational Danube Journey Planner platform
                          Sorin Dumitrescu, Electronic Solutions SRL

15:15 -15:45       Capitalization in the DTP Programme - Exchange with CHESTNUT, eGUTS, CITYWALK, Transdanube.Pearls
  Marko Govek, Municipality of Velenje
                            Danilo Čeh, Scientific research centre Bistra Ptuj

15:45 – 16:00     Discussion and Conclusions       

16:00 - 16:30     Networking



Partcipation is free of charge.

For more information and registration please contact project manager Bettina Neuhäuser, Austriatech GmbH ( and communication manager Mihai Niculescu, Electronic Solutions Ltd. (

LinkingDanube - Visit our website at

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)