ResInfra@DR - Information Sessions on Research Infrastructures in the Danube macro-region


Resinfra@DR’s project mission is to improve framework conditions for research infrastructure (RI) and innovation in the Danube macro-region and to facilitate enhanced transnational cooperation, capacity building, dialogue and a macro-regional scope of the sustainable development of RI. The project is funded by the EU’s Interreg Danube Transnational Programme (DTP).

Get involved in Kiev, Chișinău and Podgorica!

In the third year of implementation, ResInfra@DR starts the event series “ResInfra@DR Information Sessions on Research Infrastructures in the Danube macro-region” adressed to RI policymakers, RI managers and further experts from associated fields: the aim of these workshops is to present the project results and to identify future joint actions for stronger cooperation in the area of research infrastructure (RI), as well as to involve relevant regional/national stakeholders to contribute and collaborate and make use of the results in the future. After the presentation of achievements of ResInfra@DR (including a Q&A session), the events will invite to reflect on current challenges in host countries with regard to RI developments and to analyse ideas how to deal with RI in the future in the Danube macro-region.

A total of seven events will be adressed to an expert audience: sessions start in Kiev, Ukraine (10/04, Institute of Economics) and will be continued in Chișinău, Moldova (11/04, Dimitrie Cantemir State University ) and Podgorica, Montenegro (17/04, Hilton Hotel). Further sessions are going to follow in May and June 2019 (ResInfra@DR project end).

Agenda & registration

If your are interested in this event series please contact Ms Carmen Siller, Centre for Social Innovation (ZSI) to gain further details and the agenda (the confirmed registration is mandatory for your participation):

Learn more about the Resinfra@DR project and the programme

Image source: Pixabay, "roadsign" by gerald;  under Pixabay licence


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)