Made in Danube - Social Innovation Training in Maribor 18/12/2018


Made in Danube Social Innovation Training | 18th Dec 2018 | University of Maribor


Social enterprises are the engine for Social Innovation. Social Innovation is all round us but what is exactly Social Innovation? Who are the Social Innovators nowadays? How and When does Social Innovation happen? How to understand whether social innovation can lead to systemic change and disruptive processes?

Come to our training workshop in Maribor and you will find it out!

Maribor is European Capital for Social Economy in 2018 given the fact that social economy has developed over the last 5 years to the largest extent in comparison with other Slovenian cities. Maribor is thus the right place for organising our last Social Innovation Training and contribute to create a common understanding  on what social innovation actually offers and, more importantly, how it can be done in practice.

The objective of the Social Innovation training course designed by Made in Danube, is to offer participants solid conceptual foundations in the search for innovative creative solutions, while reinforcing and developing the vision, knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary to face current and emerging challenges. The course aims to provide participants with concepts, theories and tools that are crucial to understand why and under which circumstances social innovation initiatives succeed or fail. Content includes practical tools to initiate and support social innovation as well as case studies, group activities, and open discussion.

If you are a small and medium‐sized enterprise, early stage project manager in research, social and technological innovation, and young graduate as first time applicant to transnational projects from business sector, then come to Maribor!


Registration available here!

Agenda available here!

For more information please contact:

Dr. Tina Mesarič, University of Maribor
+386 2 23 55 308,

Ms Désirée Pecarz – ZSI GmbH



Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)