NewGenerationSkills - Invitation to the Kick-off Meeting and launching event of the NewGenerationSkills project


Municipality of Újbuda as Lead Partner of the NewGenerationSkills Interreg Danube transnational project kindly invites you to the project’s Kick-off Meeting and launching conference on 28 February – 1 March in Budapest. More details about the programme are included in the Agenda.

What is NewGenerationSkills?

Young generations have the potential to be pro-active engines of innovation and become change-makers in their local communities. However, 62% of young people in Central and Eastern Europe are not interested in starting their own business, whereas one in five would like to, but consider it too difficult. This weak entrepreneurial culture and missing innovation management capacities are recognized as a key challenge in the Danube Region. NewGenerationSkills aims at unlocking the youth’s unexploited potential by developing their skills and competences and creating an enabling environment to help them become their ideas grow their innovative ideas into ventures with high social added value, potentially taken up by the private and public sectors.


The first day of the Kick-off Meeting will focus on creating the project’s working atmosphere, on discussing the thematic work to be done in the project as well as on getting familiar with project and financial management issues. The launching conference of the project with the presence of relevant international and Hungarian speakers bearing specific knowledge about the project topic will be organized in the morning of the 2nd day on 1st of March, followed by the continuation of the internal kick-off meeting focusing on communication issues and on discussing the concrete tasks to be carried out in the 1st period of implementation.                                                   

We are looking forward to meeting you all in Budapest, Újbuda!

For further information please contact: Borbála Ferenczi ( and Zita Csirszka (


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)