Transdanube.Pearls - Mobility Information Center opened in Kladovo


FINALLY: Mobility Information Center in Kladovo was opened

We are happy to announce that the mobility information center in Kladovo (Serbia) was opened on 23 November 2018. Our project partner, the Regional Development Agency Eastern Serbia (RARIS) together with the Tourist Organization of Kladovo successfully reached this milestone. It is already the third mobility information center that was opened during project lifetime and further ones will be established come in Hungary, Croatia and Slovakia. Two more mobility information center were already established in 2018: Mobility Information Center in Murska Sobota (Slovenia) and the Mobility Information Center in Tulcea (Romania).

The mobility information center operates within the already existing Tourist Info Center and advices tourists and locals in the region of Djerdap on possibilities for sustainable means of transport. In addition to that, the newly established institution will provide tourists with any information related to sustainable mobility such as sustainable transport possibilities, timetables and cycling offers.

The implementation of mobility information centers is a pilot action in the course of the project Transdanube.Pearls. For information about the other pilot actions implemented in the project click here.


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)