MOVECO - Circular economy innovation tools - Information tools


Information Tools - Part of MOVECO's circular economy innovation toolbox

The information tools, developed by the MOVECO partnership, give a general overview on the circular economy and provide information for all target groups along the value chain. They consist of:

  1. The MOVECO brochure » Your trash is my treasure « presenting various best practices from countries of the Danube region (English, Bulgarian, Croatian, German, Hungarian, Romanian, Serbian, Slovenian and Slovak version)
  2. A checklist and three fact sheets that support especially small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the transition towards a circular economy.

MOVECO brochure » Your trash is my treasure «

MOVECO’s brochure » Your trash is my treasure « displays best practice solutions for the circular economy in the Danube region. To learn more about best practices in the Danube region countries, please click here.



Checklist and Fact Sheets

Are you working in a small and medium-sized enterprise (SME)? Are you curious in finding out how to support the transition towards a circular economy?

Then, please have a look on the MOVECO checklist to support SMEs (English, German, Hungary)! It contains various questions, so that the SMEs can figure out what their status quo regarding the circular economy is and what could be the next steps.

Furthermore, the checklist links you to three additional fact sheets for specific needs.

  • The fact sheets support SMEs in gaining further knowledge about the circular economy.
  • They display the concept and principles of the circular economy, giving common definitions of terms related to this topic and provide further information on supporting tools for a circular economy.

    Fact Sheet "Circular Economy: Terms and Definitions"    Fact Sheet "Supporting tools for a circular economy"

Fact Sheet "Information on Circular Economy" (English, German, Hungary)

Fact Sheet "Circular Economy: Terms and Definitions" (English, German, Hungary)

Fact Sheet "Supporting tools for a Circular Economy" (English, German, Hungary)

The information tools are part of MOVECO's circular economy toolbox.

The circular economy toolbox contains: 

This mix of different tools and materials improves the capacity of research and development, business support organisations, public bodies to kick-start the implementation of the circular economy in the Danube region and unleash its potential for sustainable economic growth.

To find out more about the circular economy and MOVECO's circular economy innovation toolbox, please visit our platform:

For more information on the MOVECO project, we invite you to visit our website and follow us on social media.

If you want to share your thoughts about circular economy or if you are interested in receiving the MOVECO newsletter twice a year, let us know and send an email to

Twitter: @MOVECO_Interreg

   Facebook: @Moveco.Danube

   LinkedIn Group: MOVECO - Interreg

Project co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA)

(Photo credits: MOVECO project)

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)