MOVECO - Circular economy innovation tools - Financing tools


Financing tools for the transition towards a circular economy - Part of MOVECO's circular economy innovation toolbox

In this section, we present different funding possibilities on how to finance circular economy projects in companies, research and development organisations and public institutions. In addition, we provide a concept for an investor day with special focus on crowdfunding, match-making tools in order to support collaborations between science and industry. Moreover, a report informs on public-private partnership investment in the circular economy and we provide some basic information about green (circular) public procurement.

1. Funding instruments for the circular economy

  • Database ( with funding instruments and programmes for the Danube region: This database contains a list of EU Funding Programs/Calls as well as national funding schemes for financing research, cooperation and innovation of EU stakeholders.
  • Report on funding schemes in the Danube region.






2. Interregional match-making tool





3. Concept for Investor Day

An investment in sustainable companies or sustainable projects of young companies is a good, sustainable opportunity for investors to invest. Such kind of investments can not only be beneficial from an environmental andsustainability point of view, but can also offer great economic opportunities for investors.

The target group of the events are young entrepreneurs and start-ups interested in the circular economy. The description of the concept of an Investor Day focuses on sustainability and crowdfunding/crowdinvesting and can be adapted to the participants' needs in terms of topics and procedures.



4. Public-private partnership investment opportunities in the circular economy


The report on public-private partnership investment opportunities (PPP) shows what opportunities and risks PPPs can hold for the transition from a linear to a circular economy. In particular, the possibilities of cooperation between research and industry are shown.






The financial tools are part of MOVECO's circular economy toolbox.

The circular economy toolbox contains: 

  • information tools
  • qualificiation programme
  • collaboration tools
  • financing tools

This mix of different tools and materials improves the capacity of research and development, business support organisations, public bodies to kick-start the implementation of the circular economy in the Danube region and unleash its potential for sustainable economic growth.

To find out more about the circular economy and MOVECO's circular economy innovation toolbox, please visit our platform:

5. Green public procurement

“Circular public procurement is an approach to greening procurement which recognises the role that public authorities can play in supporting the transition towards a circular economy. Circular procurement can be defined as the process by which public authorities purchase works, goods or services that seek to contribute to closed energy and material loops with spply chains, whilst miniminsing, and in the best case avoiding, negative environmental impacts and waste creating across their whole life-cycle.” (EC, 2017)

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Project co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA)

(Photo credits: MOVECO project)

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)