DAPhNE - Save the date - Port Process Workshops in Constanta


In the frame of DAPhNE project, two international workshops will be organised in Constanta, Romania in September. Both events are open for the public, all interested are welcome. The events will be held in English.

5 September 2018 – Port Management Models International Workshop, Constanta (RO)

The international workshop will be organized by Constanta Port Administration (MPAC) within the activity "Improve and harmonise port business strategies". The attendants of this workshop – project partners and other stakeholders – will have the opportunity to be informed about the results conducted by previous reports and debate the draft of "Good Practices Report on Port Management Models". The feedback received from the workshop participants will be integrated into the final version of recommendations set for port management. (Agenda)

Contact / Registration for the event: daphne_events@constantza-port.ro (Registration Form)

6 September 2018 – Port Administration Processes International Workshop, Constanta (RO)

The international workshop will aim at presenting the results obtained towards the harmonization of Danube ports administration processes. There will be presentations held about the conclusions obtained following the conducted research on port owners/authorities and port users, best practices examples, and recommendations regarding port processes. The discussions held during the workshop and the participants' feedback will be integrated into the final version of the recommendations set on port processes harmonisation. (Agenda)

Contact / Registration for the event: daphneouc@gmail.com (Andreea-Daniela Moraru)


Source of the pictures: www.pixabay.com

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)