InnoHPC - 3rd REGIONAL WORKSHOP - 31. 5. 2018 - Ljubljana, Slovenia


3rd Regional Workshop will take place on 31st May 2018 in Ljubljana, Chamber of Commerce Slovenia (7th floor business oasis, Dimičeva ulica 13, Ljubljana). 


14.30-15:00  - Registration, welcome words and networking (some refreshment drinks and small bisquits)

15:00 – 15.10 - Introduction of consortium and stakeholders  - tour the table

15:10 – 15:50 - 1st invited speaker

Tomas Karasek, Head of parallel algorithms research lab, IT4Innovations national supercomputing center, Ostrava, Czech Republic: Application of HPC technologies for solving engineering problems

15:50 – 16.00  -  Coffee Break

16:00– 16:40  -  2nd invited speaker

Ivan Spisso, PhD,  HPC consultant for academic and industrial CFD applications SuperComputing Applications and Innovation (SCAI) Department, CINECA via Magnanelli 6/3, 40133  Casalecchio di Reno, Bologna (Italy) ph : Engineering Applications and HPC a marriage of convenience

16.40– 17:00  -  3rd invited speaker: 

Radovan Sernec, PhD, Director , Innovation and Technology, AV Living Lab:  Support of HPC in designing advanced and reliable algorithms in autonomous driving vehicles; will be HPC installed in our cars in near future?  

17:00 - 17.10: Coffee Break 

17:10 – 17:45  - Open discussion among HPCs and SMEs based on the presented best practices, moderated by prof. dr. Janez Povh

17:45 - 18:15  -  Conclusion with buffet warm food and non alcohol drinks and wines

Full agenda

Online registration:

Further information can be obtained on InnoHPC Interreg Danube WebPage.


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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)