CAMARO-D - Transnational parnter-meeting in Prague
The second transnational partner-meeting will take place in Prague from February 28th till March 1st, 2018 and it will be hosted by Prague Czech Technical University. After the project's first year review and a short summary of WPT1 which is about to be concluded, the focus of this meeting will be on the workpackage WPT2, "Explorative Danube", dealing with the pilot activities: participansts will get an overview, based on the implementation and the survey of pilot action clusters. An outlook on the further stakeholder involvement on national basis will be given.
The meeting will be concluded on day 2 by a presentation of the roadmap and foreseen working steps within workpackage WPT3. Furthermore, the development of the transnational guidance and the expectations of WPT2 for WPT3 will by presented.
The agenda can be downloaded here.