Made in Danube - Registration Open! Made in Danube Transnational Partnership Training on 20th October 2017


The Made in Danube Consortium is inviting you to join its first Transnational Partnership Training on 20th October in Budapest!

The overall goal of the training is to initiate the rise of transnational partnerships through the knowledge of multi-stakeholder partnership.  in bridging the gap between R&D, innovation and business creation.


The trainings will improve the awareness of transnational partnership in order to stimulate technology transfer and innovation. At the end of the training the participants will be more equipped with the knowledge to elaborate better cooperation and a successful and effective partnership on a transnational level.

The format of the training will mainly be facilitated plenary sessions (“classroom” training) with group sessions (mentoring part) resulting in an interactive training. Both the plenary and the mentoring sessions will engage participants in practical sessions where applicable, to enable them pick hands-on experiences in each area. On a whole, the training design anticipates a very interactive and participatory process. The training is based on participatory approach and adult learning techniques.


Budapest Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI) Headquarter
H-1016 Budapest, Krisztina krt. 99., Hungary

Agenda & Registration

Click here for the Agenda

Click here to register online

Practical Information & Logistics

Contact person for any questions regarding the event:

Name:             Ms. Annamária Olah
Telephone:       +36 30 258 4251

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)