Made in Danube:Bioeconomy a key element for smart and green growth in Europe and the Danube Region
Made in Danube is a strategic project implemented by the Interreg Danube Transnational Programme co-financed by EU funds (ERDF, IPA). Its objective is to promote Bioeconomy in the Danube Region by supporting three viable innovation hubs in the field of forestry, agriculture and bio-energy:
- Smart and innovative precision farming (Nitra, Slovakia);
- Competence Center in Wood Sector (Vukovar, Croatia);
- Biofuel (Novi Sad, Serbia)
We welcome your contributions and inputs. If you are interested to promote new technologies, research results, expertise in the field of bio-economy, find partners (research, innovation, business), to promote some events, please contact us.
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Press Release
Trainings on innovation, IPA-CIFATT-Craiova organized the trainings “Technology Broker” and “Manager of Innovation”, at the National Institute for Biological Science, Bucharest, Romania, 3-5 May 2017 and 16-19 May 2017, for the personnel from Technology Transfer Centre of National Institute of Biological Science, Bucharest.
During this training the Made in Danube Project was presented , the benefit to be part of the Network, to receive TO/TR and the Newsletter. Some case studies were provided.

Workshop on bioeconomy "Priorities for the development of the bioeconomy in Oltenia region for the period 2016-2030" was organized by IPA-CIFATT-Craiova in Craiova, Romania on April, 27, 2017.The event was organized by the National Institute of Research and Development for Chemistry and Petro chemistry, in partnership with the local organiser IPA CIFATT Craiova, in the framework of the project: "Research on the identification of priorities for the development of the bioeconomy in Romania for the period 2016-2030" financed by the State Budget through the Ministry of Research and Innovation - State Authority for Scientific Research, Technological Development and Innovation, Sectorial Plan.
Kick-off Event on 22nd March 2017 in Stuttgart, Germany: Bridging knowledge gaps in bioeconomy – Successful kick-off event on Made in Danube project.
Steinbeis-Europa-Zentrum: Successful 2nd PA Cross-fertilization Workshop Competitiveness and internationalization of SMEs in bioeconomy in Danube Region.
On the 25th of April 2017 the DANUBE-INCO.NET 2nd PA Cross-fertilization Workshop on Competitiveness and Internationalization of SMEs in bioeconomy in Danube Region has been held in Vukovar, Croatia.The workshop was attended by 40 representatives from Public Authorities, Research Organisations, SMEs and Business Support Organisations & Clusters of the Danube Region. The aim of the workshop was to develop prospects for competitiveness and internationalization of small and medium sized enterprises in the field of bioeconomy in the Danube Region with the participation of relevant representatives in the area of research and innovation.
ODIMM Moldavia, promoted the project and the kick-off event trough the web site. About 100 representatives of SMEs, Higher Education and Research Institutions as well as Public Authorities in the Danube Region participated in the launch event of the "Made in Danube" Project, which took place on March 22, 2017, in the city Stuttgart, Germany.
Slovak University of Agriculture

Synergies with other projects
EcoInn Danube - Eco-innovatively connected Danube Region.
General objective of the EcoInn Danube project is to enhance cooperation of innovation actors in the field of ecoinnovations with special emphasis on development and application of ecotechnologies in the Danube Region. The project will focus mainly on field of renewable energy and energy saving (efficiency).
The Project main pillars are:
- Increase transnational cooperation in ecoinnovations - The only effective way how to face enviro problems is a joint transnational effort. Aim is to interconnect and survey needs/requirements of all elements of the ecoinnovation cycle.
- Increase the match of demand and supply in ecoinnovation - Producers are forced to look for eco solutions enabling them to perform a greener production. Researchers perform environmental research which is often not problem solving oriented. Smart tools for easing the matching will be introduced and adopted.
- Bring eco innovation actors together - Innovators and researchers lack of practical skills and opportunities for application of their ideas. Business supporters and producers lack of information on talents and new ecotechnologies. Aim is to improve business, eco knowledge transfer and IPR skills of ecoinnovators, to offer a space to present their ideas.
BioEast Initiative. The Central-Eastern European Initiative for Knowledge-based Agriculture, Aquaculture and Forestry in the Bioeconomy – BIOEAST – offers a shared strategic research and innovation framework for working towards sustainable bioeconomies in the Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries.
Vision Paper and Position Paper are available to be downloaded here: under the menu ’Bioeconomy-BioEast’. As part of the Initiative a dedicated webpage – bioeast.eu – will be created, which is expected to be available from 1st of August 2017. In the framework of the BIOEAST Initiative BIOEAST Bioeconomy Capacity Building Survey has been adopted from the Survey jointly elaborated during the Danube-INCO.NET project by the Central European Initiative and PANNON Pro Innovations. The survey takes approximately 10 minutes to fill. We would highly appreciate if you could fill in this questionnaire. Deadline: 31 July 2017
BioEast questionnaire - Academic, Research
BioEast questionnaire - Business, Industry, SME, start-up
BioEast questionnaire - Public sector, NGO
Danube-INCO.NET successfully concludes its activity with many results and ten recommendations for the development of bioeconomy in the Danube Region.
Danube-INCO.NET “Advancing Research and Innovation in the Danube Region” - FP7 initiative just ended. From January 2014 to June 2017 the project applied a macro-regional approach to contribute to the economic, social and territorial cohesion of the eight EU Member States (MS) and six non-Member States forming the Danube Region and being very different in terms of economic strengths, research and innovation systems and profiles.Danube-INCO.NET has especially supported cooperation in R&I in the Danube Region while mainly tackling two of the EUSDR (EU Strategy for the Danube Region) Priority Areas: i.e. PA 7 „Knowledge Society“ and PA 8 „Competitiveness“. Project activities were carried out by 19 partner organisations, coordinated by the Austrian ZSI GmbH, and have generally fostered policy dialogue, created networks among key stakeholders, contributed analyses to support R&I development in the Region as well. Similarly, events, publications and policy recommendations for R&I cooperation have reached in recent years an audience as broad as possible, as well as interested and engaged in the future macro-regional development of the Danube Region. Among project pillars, Danube-INCO.NET project has addressed also sustainable energy efficiency, renewable energy and the development of bioeconomy as societal challenges relevant for the Danube Region. The project acted to improve the potential of the Danube Region for research and innovation in these selected societal challenges by combining a set of actions to increase networking and cooperation at transnational level in the above mentioned sectors. Starting from the setting up of a DATABASE of actors across energy efficiency/renewable energy and the bio-economy the project analysed the cooperation framework and the available funds for energy efficiency in the Danube Region. It also funded two Pilot actions capable to generate tangible results in support to the implementation of the EUSDR:
More recently a capitalization workshop “Fostering Bioeconomy in the Danube Region” has led to the consolidation of 10 Recommendations in support to the development of Bioeconomy in the Danube Region, which resulted from the implementation of the just mentioned Pilot Activities and the combination of their outcomes after the capitalization workshop. Some of the Danube-INCO.NET partners are also active within the Made in Danube initiative and this represents a handing over of all activities and objectives with reference to the bioeconomy sphere.
More... or contact office@danube-inco.net.
Bioeconomy Forum
Bioeconomy – European Commission
Bioeconomy is Europe's response to key environmental challenges the world is facing already today. The world will witness increased competition for limited and finite natural resources. A 70 % increase of the world food supply is estimated to be required to feed the 9 billion global population by 2050. Agriculture accounts for about 10 % of Union greenhouse gases emissions, and while declining in Europe, global emissions from agriculture alone are still projected to increase up to 20 % by 2030. A growing global population will need a safe and secure food supply. And climate change will have an impact on primary production systems: agriculture, forestry, fisheries and aquaculture. We must move towards sustainable primary production and processing systems that can produce more food, fiber and other bio-based products with fewer inputs, less environmental impact and reduced greenhouse gas emissions.
The Bioeconomy to 2030: designing a policy agenda
The Bioeconomy to 2030: Designing a Policy Agenda begins with an evidence-based technology approach, focusing on biotechnology applications in primary production, health, and industry. It describes the current status of biotechnologies and, using quantitative analyses of data on development pipelines and R&D expenditures from private and public databases, it estimates biotechnological developments to 2015. Fictional scenarios to 2030 are included to encourage readers to reflect on the interplay between policy choices and technological advances in shaping the bioeconomy. Finally, the book explores policy options to support the social, environmental and economic benefits of a bioeconomy.
A Sustainable Bioeconomy: The Green Industrial Revolution
An authoritative and comprehensive volume of knowledge and green technologies focused on the future of the bioeconomy.
European Commission 2016 report on bioeconomy
JRC Bioeconomy Report 2016 is the first to provide cross-sectorial analysis of the EU bioeconomy across its various areas and from different angles. The report reflects on the current state of "knowledge" about the European bioeconomy with the intent to inform policymakers, stakeholders and citizens.
GM crops benefit the environment and the economy, report shows
The new PG Economics report highlights 20 years of innovative crop biotechnology, including a significant reduction of agriculture's environmental impact and the stimulation of economic growth. GM technology increases crop yields and provided higher incomes for the farmers, alleviating poverty for 16.5 million of them over the last 20 years.
SET Plan Action 8 - Renewable Fuels and Bioenergy
ETIP Bioenergy has been actively involved in the definition of the strategic targets and priorities for the SET Plan Action 8 Renewable Fuels and Bioenergy. It will play a major role during the elaboration process of the implementation plans. Find here a short summary on the status of the SET Plan implementation.
Biofuels and sustainability
The EU sets rigorous sustainability criteria for biofuels & bioliquids. Companies who want the biofuels can prove their compliance through national systems or so-called voluntary schemes recognised by the EC. To determine which areas are best suited for biofuel production, EU countries conducted assessments of all their agricultural land. The EC also examined the feasibility of drawing up such reports for countries outside the EU.
Survey on Agricultural biotech
A survey revealed that 71% of the respondents believe that GMOs are needed to feed the world population of 9.7 billion people by 2050, 23% believe that there is a need to know more about GMOs. Total, 1,345 people participated in the survey. According to a report on Agri-biotech Applications, GM crops grew worldwide from 1.7 million hectares in 1996 to 185.1 million hectares in 2016. Watch this short clip to find out more key figures about the world market adoption.
The contribution of industrial biotech in a rural area
How can producing innovative bio-based materials become a commercial success and bring wealth to a rural area that has previously experienced decline in traditional industries?
Industrial biotech
"People need to know that bioeconomy is not just an abstract concept", argued Boris Mannhardt, CEO of BIOCOM AG. If you want to discover how bioeconomy already plays a prominent role in our lives through the use of bio-based products, the "Bioeconomy in everyday life" exhibition will be shown during the European Biotech Week, 25-29 September.
Wood Biomass CHP Project
A proposal for a wood biomass combined heat & power (CHP) facility in California received recognition. The calls for a 3-MW CHP facility powered by local, sustainably harvested wood, co-located with other wood-products businesses.
Selection for your Agenda
Commission's top scientific advisers publish explanatory note on new techniques in agricultural biotechnology
Bioeconomy to 20130 a policy Agenda; Euradas-Position-Paper-for-Smart-Specialisation-Consultation
Around the World with Bioenergy, Hydropower and Geothermal Energy
IEA Bioenergy replies to Chatham House report “Woody Biomass for Power and Heat: Impacts on the Global Climate”
Report on the feasibility of drawing up lists of areas in 3rd countries with low greenhouse gas emissions from cultivation.
Commission's top scientific advisers publish explanatory note on new techniques in agricultural biotechnology
Consultations-on-agricultural-policy; ec.europa/eusurvey/FutureCAP
Food Evolution" marks turning point in public GMO discussion
Pioneering partnership of 19 countries to tackle water and agro-food shortages in the Mediterranean
Digging deep to help Europe's soil
Energy-efficiency-progress-needs-further-acceleration/; What’s-new-in-geothermal-hydro-biomass-industries
More to biofuels than CO2 reduction; Orchard waste could be a fruitful source of biofuel
Commercial biotechnology in Germany: An overview ...; German-Biotech-Sector-2016
2016 a Record Year for Biofuels in Sweden; How bioenergy became the largest energy source in Sweden‘
Fostering University-Industry Alliances: Exploring the TTO’s Expanding Role
Royalty Rates for Biotechnology, Available for Immediate Download
Euro-PCT Guide: PCT procedure at the EPO
Calls / Bioeconomy capital
H2020 WP. Food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, and inland water research and the bioeconomy
This Work Programme will leverage research and innovation to address major societal challenges:
- Ensuring food and nutritional security, to gather with resource efficiency, and facing climate change.
- Sustainably exploiting the potential of the oceans, which host 50% of known species.
- Promoting dynamic territorial development, through the mobilisation of rural and coastal economies.
- Boosting investment, employment and economic growth in the European Union.
Promotion of Agricultural Products
EU-funding is provided for information provision & promotion measures concerning agricultural products implemented in the internal market/in 3rd countries with the main objective of enhancing the competitiveness of the EU agricultural sector.
More… the full list of AGRI Calls can be found here.
Bioeconomy Fund
Bioeconomy Fund is primarily investing in industrial biotechnology, which includes materials, chemicals, and enzymes. It also encompasses the tools and technologies that enable the bioeconomy. We are placing capital with companies that are building critical infrastructure for the 21st century global economy. The rapid market maturation of the bioeconomy is an enormous investment opportunity.
Agriculture and Innovation – Funding Opportunities
The Brochure - Funding Opportunities provides information on EU level funding sources. It also points to national and regional funding which will be available starting from the end of 2014, and where to find information for your region.
The Brochure - Horizon 2020 - calls 2017 (work programme 2017) has several opportunities to support multinational demand-driven innovation actions in agriculture.
More…; Join the EIP-AGRI network here.
ESPON 2020: Applied Research Activities - Prior Information. Deadline: September 20, 2017
The objective of the ESPON 2020 Cooperation Programme is to support the reinforcement of the effectiveness of EU Cohesion Policy and other sectorial policies and programmes under European Structural Investment (ESI) funds as well as national and regional territorial development policies, through the production, dissemination and promotion of territorial evidence covering the entire territory of the 28 EU Members States, as well as 4 Partner States of Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland.
Erasmus+ Programme - Call for Proposals 2017, Deadline: October 4, 2017
The total budget earmarked for this call for proposals is estimated at EUR 2,157.1 million: Education and training: EUR 1,905.4 million, Youth: EUR 209.1 million, Jean Monnet: EUR 10.8 million, Sport: EUR 31.8 million
Other Funding Opportunities
- Horizon prize for Integrated Photovoltaic System in Protected Historic Urban districts. Deadline: September 26, 2018
- Horizon prize for CO2 reuse. Deadline: April 3, 2019
- INNOLABS, Deadline30th September 2017,More information
- Horizon prize for Heat & Power Installation in hospital using 100% Renewable Energy Sources. Deadline: April 3, 2019
- Loans/loan guarantees for renewable energy, H2 & fuel cells projects. Group "InnovFin". Deadline: December 31, 2020
- Call: Transnational network R&D-projects in energy field. Deadline: December 31, 2020
- Eurostars-2017-cut-offs-Call. Deadline: September 14, 2017
- EFSA call for experts for Scientific Panels and Scientific Committee. Deadline September 8, 2017. Call for experts;
- Interreg Central Europe - Third call, Deadline: January 25, 2018
- Call: Transnational network R&D-projects in energy field, Deadline: December 31, 2020
- Further information; Panel renewal 2018; Scientific Committee and Panels
- Financing Programs for Storage and Solar in the US and EU
- TED-Tenders-Electronic-Daily-dedicated-to-European-public-procurement
- Energy-project-funding.com/Biofuels-Projects
- Finance & Ideas
- CORDIS Partners Service, a free database for researchers run by the European Commission
Events in the field of bioeconomy, technology transfer, innovation and business finding partners
Company mission at International Agricultural Fair 2017, České Budějovice, Czech Republic, 24-25 August, 2017
The event will be connected with the fair Bread Basket edition - International Agricultural Fair. During the mission group will meet Czech companies at their stands and at specially arranged B2B meeting session. The target sectors: renewal and rural development technology, plant and animal production, agricultural technology, food production, forestry and water system, gardening and breeding, services for agriculture, etc.
Exhibition and brokerage event. Watec, water technologies & environment control, 12-14 Sept 2017, Tel Aviv
WATEC Israel 2017 is a leading international exhibition in the field of water technologies & environment control, which offers a meeting place for manufacturers, researchers, investors, academics, purchasers and decision-makers representing both local and international businesses.
More…; WATEC 2017_preliminary WATEC sessions.pdf
International matchmaking event at Polagra Food Fair, Poznan, Poland, 26 September 2017
The Enterprise Europe Network office hosted by the Poznan Science and Technology Park, together with other EEN Partners, has a pleasure to invite you to participate in the 7th edition of the international matchmaking event.
B2B matching event at the 7th Forum on Industrial Biotechnology & Bioeconomy, 5-6 October, 2017, Rome, Italy
During the Forum the EEN Biotech and Bioeconomy Partnering Event will be organized, and offers the chance to meet potential partners in pre-arranged face-to-face bilateral meetings in order to establish new cooperation opportunities in research, technology transfer and business.
Brokerage event at the Life Sciences 2017 - MIT4LS2017, 11 - 13 October 2017, Turin, Italy
Meet in Italy for Life Sciences 2017 will be hosting the international brokerage event and bilateral meetings between Companies, Start-ups,Research centers, Universities, Investors, Technology parks and other public and private institutions interested in new opportunities for technological, commercial and/or research collaboration will take place.
Horizon 2020 Environment Information Day &Brokerage event 8 - 9 November 2017, Brussels, Belgium
The Information Day and brokerage event on the Horizon 2020 Work Programme 2018-2020, Challenge "Climate Action, Environment, Resource Efficiency & Raw Materials".
Selection for your Agenda
- 14 July, Joint Conference on "Innovation in Life Sciences in a Changing and Vibrant Environment", London, UK
- 12-14 July, Rome, 26-28 July, Athens, Training course Financial Management of EC Projects, Rome, Athens
- 23-26 July, BIO World Congress on Industrial Biotechnology, Montréal, Canada
- September-November, Practical-training-for-Horizon-2020, samantha.wayman@singleimage.co.uk, Cambridge, UK
- 4-6 September, Smart-Specialization-Strategy-in-the-field-of-Biotechnologies-in-Europe, Bratislava, Slovakia
- 7-9 September,ENTRENOVA - ENTerprise REsearch InNOVAtion Conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia
- 11-13 September, Global-Conference-on-Plant-Science-and-Molecular-Biology, Valencia, Spain
- 12-14 September,Nordic Life Science Days, Malmö, Sweden
- 20-27 September, Global Biotech Week
- 21-22 September,Interreg Central Europe Annual Conference 2017, Berlin, Germany
- 21-22 September, Workshop-Oral-proceedings-at-the-EPO; Online registration, The Hague, Netherlands
- 25 September - 1 October, European Biotech Week
- 26-27 September, ASEBIO Investor Day, Barcelona, Spain
- 6-7 October,Conference-Bioeconomy-R&D-Results, Brussels, Belgium
- 9-11 October, European Forum for Industrial Biotechnology and the Bioeconomy,Brussels, Belgium
- 10 - 11 October 2017, Offshore Energy match/ ; Matchmaking Programme, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
- 19 October, EU’s-leading-Conference-on-IB-and-bioeconomy, Glasgow, Scotland
- 24-25 October, Social Innovation – Research & Policy of the Future, Brussels, Belgium
- 7-10 November, Ecomondo-the-green-technologies-Expo, Ecomondo is Key Energy, Rimini, Italy
- 9-10 November, ICT-Proposer’s-Day-2017, Register to ICT Proposers' Day 2017, Budapest, Hungary
- 15-18 November,International Specialized Exhibition - “INFOINVENT”, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
- 16-17 November, European Bioenergy Future, Brussels, Belgium
- 23-24 November,International-Conference-Rural-Development-Bioeconomy-Challenges, Kaunas, Lithuania
- 5-7 December,Power-GEN, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
- 7-8 December,Intellectual Property Summit 2017, Brussels, Belgium
Technology Offers; Technology Request
Technology Offer
Technology Request
Research, innovation and Entrepreneurship
Bioeconomy - Research & Innovation - European Commission
Europe is setting course for a resource-efficient and sustainable economy. The goal is a more innovative and low-emissions economy, reconciling demands for sustainable agriculture and fisheries, food security, and the sustainable use of renewable biological resources for industrial purposes, while ensuring biodiversity and environmental protection.
To achieve this, the EC has set a Bioeconomy Strategy and action plan which focuses on three key aspects:
- developing new technologies and processes for the bioeconomy;
- developing markets and competitiveness in bioeconomy sectors;
- pushing policymakers and stakeholders to work more closely together.
Moreover the Commission works on ensuring a coherent approach to the bioeconomy through different programmes and instruments including the Common Agricultural Policy, the Common Fisheries Policy, Horizon 2020, European environmental initiatives, the Blue Growth initiative for the marine sector and the European Innovation Partnership on Sustainable Agriculture.
More Info:The Bioeconomy Strategy; Food 2030; Blue Growth - the EU’s integrated Maritime Strategy; Bio-based products and processing; The Bioeconomy Observatory; The Bioeconomy Panel; Consultative Groups.
Sustainable Biorefineries: An Important Research Topic
Biorefinery refers to the facilities, which converts biomass into fuels, power, heat, chemicals and materials, food, and several other useful products. A biorefinery utilises different kinds of biomass, such as agricultural crops, wood, forest residues, algae, sea weeds, organic residues. Several types of energy crops, woody, herbaceous plants are required to be grown for input in biorefinery. As PR Newswire reports, the global biorefinery market was valued at $ 432.4 billion in 2014 and it is expected to grow with an annual growth rate (CAGR) of 14.0% during 2015 - 2020. Sweden ranked fourth in the Global Cleantech Innovation Index and this trend, especially as regards to research on biofuels and chemicals.
Toolkit for bioeconomy blueprints
Green, bio-based industries could drive smart new growth in EU's regions. An EU-funded project has developed assessment and guidance tools to help regions design strategies to boost entrepreneurship and investment in local bioeconomies that uses renewable biological resources – plants, animals or microorganisms – to produce goods ranging from food to industrial materials and chemicals.
New EU report hints at post-Horizon 2020 research priorities Boosting defence R&D and attracting more top companies to participate are among possible future growth opportunities identified in a pathfinder prepared for the high level group that is scoping the EU’s 2021 –2028 research programme.
Scientists harness solar power to produce hydrogen from biomass
Scientists at the University of Cambridge have developed a way of using solar power to generate hydrogen from biomass. The new technology relies on a photocatalytic conversion process, catalytic nanoparticles are added to alkaline water in which biomass is suspended. This water is placed in front of a light in the lab which mimics solar light.
Development of the nordic bioeconomy. Test centers for green energy solutions. Biorefineries &business needs
The Nordic bioeconomy has a unique profile: Upgrade of many types of residues also to higher value products; good collaboration between private and public sector; R&D efforts in all Nordic countries.
The report is part of the Nordic Prime Ministers' green growth initiative”.
More…www.nordicway.org ; www.norden.org/greengrowth
Selection for your Agenda
Clusters & SMEs
Bioeconomy Clusters –European Cluster Collaboration Platform
Bioeconomy Clusters are associations of legal entities established with the aim to promote cooperation, networking and knowledge transfer among its members which include mainly the representatives of business sector, R&D actors, academia, as well as tertiary sphere. Bioeconomy Clusters are aimed mainly at cooperation with practice and linking of practice with R&D.
European Cluster Initiatives
The European cluster approach for growth is based on three main pillars: emerging industries and interregional cooperation, cluster internationalisation and cluster excellence. At the horizontal level, through the European Cluster Observatory, the EC services also provide statistical information, analysis and mapping of clusters and cluster policy as well as makes available tools for cluster collaboration, through this European Cluster Collaboration Platform.
Good Practices in selected bioeconomy sector clusters; a comparative analysis
The aim of the report is to explain the bioeconomy development, regional Case Studies and selected Good Practices to serve as a practical guide and source of inspiration for other regions who wish to develop their bioeconomy potential.
The European Path to Bioeconomy Runs through Clusters
Who are the major protagonists of the European bioeconomy? Clusters. From Romania, Slovakia, France to Austria, Germany, Netherlands, Italy, in the Old Continent many countries aggregate SMEs, R&Dcenters, Local Administration, Universities and, occasionally, investors, driven by the motto “working together to compete”. Innovation processes are governed by large, complex, structured production chains, with various economic/non-economic actors, often with a local connotation, influencing their characteristics/results. An interest in clusters is not only linked to their economic potential but also to their value as a planning tool by public intervention on the environment.
Biotech Cluster and SME Mission, 10 - 13 October 2017, Tokyo, Japan
The mission will give EU SMEs the opportunity to enter the Japanese market and establish technology or business partnerships and therefore increase their innovation capacity and make them more competitive on the global scale. The mission will also contribute to improve the cooperation strategies between EU and Japanese clusters.
The Biotech Cluster/SME mission coincides with the “BioJapan” Expo in Yokohama (http://www.ics-expo.jp/biojapan/en/).
Cluster cooperation beyond Europe
DG GROWTH of the EC created an overview of EU Instruments contributing to the Internationalisation of European Businesses to help improve the knowledge of potential business internationalisation stakeholders on funding possibilities and existing instruments (both direct and indirect) and supporting SME internationalisation beyond the EU.
Selection for your Agenda
Social Media - Made in Danube
News and information about Made in Danube will constantly be shared via Social Media Channels. Follow us now on:
Contact: Steinbeis-Europa-Zentrum
der Steinbeis Innovation gGmbH
Address: Erbprinzenstr. 4-12, 76133 Karlsruhe, Germany
Daniela Chiran: phone:+49 721 935 1932, chiran@steinbeis-europa.de
Miljana Ćosić: phone: +49 721 935 1932, cosic@steinbeis-europa.de
Isabel Trömel: phone:+49 721 935 1933, troemel@steinbeis-europa.de
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