

Stakeholder workshop in Belgrade


The first stakeholder meeting in the framework of the project EDU-LAB took place on May 31 at the institute Mihajlo Pupin in Belgrade.

The meeting offered a great opportunity to receive feedback regarding the achieved outputs: a collection of best practices in existing governance models regarding labour market relevance of higher education in the Danube Region that is also available for download.

The stakeholders representing state administration, higher education and business/industry were also involved in discussing the concepts of the 4 e-learning courses that the project partners are currently working on:

  1. Encouraging the further development of Higher Education Acts
  2. Fostering the creation of more professionally-oriented study programmes
  3. Enhancing professional training (train the trainers) in companies
  4. Strengthening the regional economic development

Their valuable input will contribute to the design of e-learning courses that are more user friendly and adress the needs the users.

Please find the event gallery here.




EDU-LAB has joined the "Interreg Volunteer Youth" Programme. We are looking forward to welcoming a Member of the European Solidarity Corps at the premises of the Lead Partner, the European Foundation for Education in Stuttgart.

IVY is a pilot action to offer the possibility to young Europeans aged 18-30 to serve as volunteers in cross-border, transnational or interregional programmes and related projects. Being solidarity and volunteering at the heart of IVY, this initiative is part of the European Solidarity Corps.

More information on the program and how to apply:




EDU-LAB participates at the transnational working meeting oganized within the framework of  the project Learning by Doing taking place place on June 27 and 28 in Belgrade. 

The Learning by Doing project aims to improve capacities of all relevant VET actors through reinforcing regional, national and transnational partnerships in order to ease the existing VET systems in the Danube countries.

More information regarding the joint capitalization strategy of the two projects: 


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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)