DanuP-2-Gas - NEWSLETTER N.14, NOVEMBER 2022






The Danube Region holds huge potential for sustainable generation and storage of renewable energy. However, to date this region is highly dependent on energy imports, while energy efficiency, diversity and renewables share are low. In line with the EU climate targets for 2030 and the “European Strategy for the Danube Region” goals DanuP-2-Gas will advance transnational energy planning by promoting generation and storage strategies for renewables in the Danube Region by coupling the electric power and gas sector. 

To support diversification of energy sources as well as to strengthen generation and storage strategies for renewables in the Danube region by advancing the electric power and gas sector coupling in regional energy planning.




Welcome to the 14th official newsletter of the DanuP-2-Gas project!

Lately, the project consortium’s focus was on finalization of:

- Transnational Renewable Energy Atlas

- Optimization tool for Optimizing Sector              Coupling Hubs

- Strategic roadmaps for participating countries.


For more information visit the project websiteDanube Energy Platform and social media accounts (FacebookTwitter). 


Subscribe to DanuP-2-Gas newsletter here.




On 16th and 17th November 2022, DanuP-2-Gas project stakeholders and representatives of partner organisations met for the last time. The two-day hybrid event was hosted by the Freeport Co. Ltd (MAHART) in Budapest, Hungary.


Read all about the event here.




In the section on territorial perspectives and development potentials, you will be able to find new information on perspectives and potentials in the Danube Region related to project objectives.


Visit the DanuP-2-Gas project website to read about Czech Republic and Serbia territorial perspectives and development potentials





We are actively working on organization of national workshops across the Danube region. Most of our partners has already organized the workshops, but there are still some planned in December, if you are interested please visit the project website to find out more about the date and venue in your country and also to read more about the already organized workshops.


Focus of the workshops was to introduce stakeholders in all countries to the developed tools and strategies, to learn about the Atlas Tool, the Optimization Tool, Legal roadmaps and much more.


DANUP-2-GAS project outputs




DanuP-2-Gas project consortium has successfully fostered transnational cooperation and synergies among crucial players of the energy sector, research, public administration, and businesses and contributed to the improvement of energy efficiency and security in the Danube Region, to get closer towards climate-neutrality.

Project partners have developed an interactive Danube Energy Platform, Transnational Renewable Energy Atlas, Tool for optimizing sector coupling hubs, Subsidies catalogue and Transnational strategy for effective sector coupling.

Visit the DanuP-2-Gas project website to read more about our reached project outputs



presentation of Danup-2-gas project At First Central European Power-to-Gas Conference


Project partner PP10 – SDEWES will be participating on “First Central European Power-to-Gas Conference - Regional perspectives of power-to-methane and carbon capture technologies” in Budapest, Hungary. The conference will take place at Headquarters of The Hungarian Academy of Science between 12th and 13th December.


You can read more about it here




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Managing Authority | Joint Secretariat
Széchenyi István tér 7-8 - 1051 Budapest, Hungary
E-mail: danube@interreg-danube.eu  | Web: www.interreg-danube.eu


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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)