
On 16th and 17th, November 2022, DanuP-2-Gas project stakeholders and representatives of partner organisations meet for the last time at final project meeting and conference. The two-day hybrid event was hosted by the MAHART Freeport Co. Ltd in Budapest, Hungary.

The first day of the event was dedicated to partners project meeting. Since the project is in its final stage’s partners have some short, productive and effective discussions on things that needs to be done by the end of the year. To assure the further cooperation between the partnership they have shared they future planes and visions on ways how to work together again.

Second day of the event was Final conference that was organized on very nice location called “Stopper” event ship in Budapest, Hungary. The focus of the conference was on the topics of innovative technologies and supporting infrastructure in the field of renewable energy - green hydrogen, renewable gas, biomass, waste recovery, etc.

Speakers at the conference were external project stakeholders and representatives of key target groups, who come from energy service companies, NGOs, gas companies, energy centres, and others from Hungary and EU.

List of speakers:

  • Mr. Attila Nyikos dr., Secretary General, Hungarian Hydrogen Technology Association (Hungary)
  • Miss Astrid Heindel (Germany) and Work package leaders
  • Prof Raimund Brotsack (Germany)
  • Annamária Nádor, Priority area coordinator, EUSDR PA2 - Sustainable energy (Hungary)
  • Mr. Horst Schindler, Project Officer, Danube Region Programme, Joint Secretariat (Budapest)
  • Mr. Zoltán Jászberényi, Managing director, Fiorentini Hungary Kft. (Hungary)
  • Mr. Horst Steinmüller, leader of Power-to-gas Model region in Austria (Austria, online)
  • Mr. Roman Kekec, project manager, Lea Spodnje Podravje presentation of the CSSC LAB (City Storage and Sector Coupling Lab) DTP project (Slovenia)
  • Dr Judit Szendefy, Production & Processes Management, Hungarian Sugar Ltd (Hungary)
  • Dr. Botond Sinóros-Szabó CTO, Power-To-Gas Hungary Kft (Hungary)
  • doc. Ing. Josef Maroušek, Ph.D, Senior researcher, Faculty of technology, Institute of Technology and Business in České Budějovice (Czech Republic)

If you missed our Final conference, you can watch the video and download the presentation here.



Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)