Newsletter - May 2017




Dear readers,


With the following first newsletter we would like to introduce to you the ATTRACTIVE DANUBE project which is a follow up of the ATTRACT SEE project implemented within the SEE programme and it will build on relevant past experience. Through this occasional newsletter, we would like also to inform you about the progress of the ATTRACTIVE DANUBE project which started in the beginning of January 2017 and will last for 30 months.



Project description


The main project objective is to strengthen multilevel and transnational governance and institutional capacities of policy planners involved in territorial development by establishing a permanent common transnational platform for monitoring territorial attractiveness.


This should be achieved through: Development, Governance, Attractiveness, Participatory Planing and Partnership.



KICK-OFF Conference



ATTRACTIVE DANUBE Kick-off Conference was held on 14–17 February 2017 in Park Inn Hotel Prague, organized jointly with Czech–Slovak national INSPIRE Conference.

The conference participants during the first day in addition to hearing about the basic information about the project ATTRACTIVE DANUBE, were also familiarized with examples of the processing and the utilization of data, with a special focus on spatial data and examples from practice – for example specific foreign cities. From the presentations often resounded a need for the harmonization of data that will facilitate their further processing and use. The first conference day ended with a panel discussion aimed at the sustainable development of cities and regions. The main theme that each presentation contained significantly more than before, was a blend of sustainable development, at local level – within municipalities, cities and regions.

The conference was also associated with a project meeting and a study visit for all project partners.

Kick-off Conference Scrapbook





The ATTRACTIVE DANUBE project will build on existing outputs implemented within ATTRACT-SEE project, in order to upgrade and better systemize existing knowledge by adding an innovative dimension related to territorial attractiveness. This will include the creation of 11 national Territorial Attractiveness Monitoring Platforms (TAMPs) and one Common Transnational Territorial Attractiveness Monitoring Platform (CO-TAMP). Content of the TAMPs will be tailor made to the relevant national stakeholders’ needs discussed at 3 national workshops in the first year of the project.

The work on completing national indicators for assessment of the national territorial attractiveness has already begun. Piecing together national indicators will give us a better picture and for example filling up indicators for the Czech Republic revealed some interesting facts.



Participatory planning workshops


Preparation of the first Participatory Planning Workshops within the ATTRACTIVE DANUBE project is in full swing, some of them have already taken place. The aim of these workshops is an introduction and discussion with the relevant stakeholders about territorial attractiveness and proposal of the set of national indicators for taking the planning and guiding decisions and for monitoring of the territorial attractiveness. Three national workshops in all partner countries will be organized during the first year of the project.


List of planned workshops within the first round


Realized events

17 May 2017 - Szeged, Hungary -

23 May 2017 - Ljubljana, Slovenia -

24 May 2017 - Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina - Read more...

24 May 2017 - Košice, Slovakia -

25 May 2017 - Belgrade, Serbia -


Upcomming events

8 June 2017 - Praha, Czech Republic -

14 June 2017 - Koprivnica, Croatia -

2nd half of June - Romania -


Unannouced events

1st week of June 2017 - Montenegro

20 or 29 June 2017 - Bulgaria

1st half of July 2017 - Germany


Managing Authority | Joint Secretariat
Széchenyi István tér 7-8 - 1051 Budapest, Hungary
E-mail:  | Web:


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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)